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  • Hi there, What would you charge me for 4 dozen of your eggs? I live in WA.
    And would you be able to put a copy of your NPIP number in the order for my records of purchased eggs? You know how they like to go through our records when inspecting us...
    Hi! It would be $25 for each dozen - so $100 total for 4 dozen shipped to WA. I do include a VS Form 9-3, which includes my NPIP # and all information. It's very cold here right now, so it may be a few weeks before it warms up enough to ship. I'd be happy to add you to the list if you're still interested!

    Stacie :)
    Hi, I've noticed you sell hatching eggs, I was wondering if you sell chicks or started birds during the summer? I am looking for blue or black Ameraucanas, one roo and three pullets, and do NOT want hatchery birds! I live between Rochester and Peru, so could drive to get them.
    I sell chicks in the summer, but probably won't have any pure Ameraucana this year - although I may have a few extras if I purchase chicks for myself. Feel free to check back with me around May or June. :)
    Will do, thanks!
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