Any Thoughts?


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2020
Western, PA
I'm new to all of this and would appreciate any thoughts you may have!

1 week ago I moved 3 20-week old golden buffs into the coop.

Over the last few days they have not been active at all. Coming down to the run for a few minutes to grab a quick bite of food or drink of water and then heading back up to the coop.

For some reason, it seems like they stopped getting along yesterday and it has carried over to today.

That said, the last few nights there has been a raccoon lurking about. I've chased it off a few times but it keeps coming back (I'm in search of a permanent solution). The coop and run are really secure and I feel confident that a raccoon will not be able to get in.

Is this normal? Are they just scared?

Being that they haven't started laying yet, could this have something to do with it?

I'm new to all of this and would appreciate any thoughts you may have!

1 week ago I moved 3 20-week old golden buffs into the coop.

Over the last few days they have not been active at all. Coming down to the run for a few minutes to grab a quick bite of food or drink of water and then heading back up to the coop.

For some reason, it seems like they stopped getting along yesterday and it has carried over to today.

That said, the last few nights there has been a raccoon lurking about. I've chased it off a few times but it keeps coming back (I'm in search of a permanent solution). The coop and run are really secure and I feel confident that a raccoon will not be able to get in.

Is this normal? Are they just scared?

Being that they haven't started laying yet, could this have something to do with it?

Hi there,
Chickens take time to adjust and with a raccoon lurking hey are probably scared stiff. Is there any way you can deter the raccoon? Although you think he may not be able to get in remember they are very smart and adaptable. If your locks can be opened by a 3 y.o. child - a raccoon can also do it.
Apart from that, the chickens will not settle down to laying until they feel comfortable and safe.
I suggest trapping said raccoon or scaring the c**p out of him so he moves along...good luck :)
Thank you for the thoughtful reply!

I think I am going to trap the raccoon overnight and see if that helps loosen them up a bit.

My coop is store bought...Though I have reinforced it, can raccoons push the wire mesh in and gain access that way? That is what really worries me the most.

Thanks again!
Thank you for the thoughtful reply!

I think I am going to trap the raccoon overnight and see if that helps loosen them up a bit.

My coop is store bought...Though I have reinforced it, can raccoons push the wire mesh in and gain access that way? That is what really worries me the most.

Thanks again!
They could if it's not strong enough. Test it by pushing against it as hard as you can, if it starts to give re-inforce with some strips of wood on the coop inside - secure with screws rather than nails, or attach a second mesh over the top. They really are strong little buggers so test your doors and locks too :)
For some reason, it seems like they stopped getting along yesterday and it has carried over to today.
What does this mean?
Pecking at each other?
Hoe big is coop/run?
Dimensions and pics would help here.

(I'm in search of a permanent solution) The coop and run are really secure and I feel confident that a raccoon will not be able to get in.
Permanent as in trap and kill?
Can they dig under?
Good examples of anti-dig apron installation.
If rodents are prolific, burying the apron ~12" would be good.

Oh, and... Welcome to BYC! @warriorbrian1
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Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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