Any way to quiet a rooster(s)?


11 Years
Apr 28, 2010
My roosters have been waking up at 4:30 crowing away....GRRR.... We have a couple of large windows in the coop. I'm wondering if I put something over them to make it dark in there, would that help??

Put them in a crate where they cannot stretch their necks but can still stretch their wings. Cover it with a towel.

Of course, there's really no way to keep a rooster quiet. They like to annoy neighbors.
Um yeah, if you have roosters, you are going to have super early am crowing. I have had some success with the trick mentioned above, plus keeping them covered so they don't see any light, but only partial success. And when you really think about it, they start crowing long before there is any light out anyway, so keeping them in the dark may or may not help.
and here i cant wait for mine to get their crowing down to a science. I have been missing my songs since i lost my silkie but have one barred rock testing his voice now so it wont be long!

Otherwise, i've only known 1 sure fire way to make a rooster quiet, i should say the only way i've been told to make him into soup.
If your coop is better insulated that will null the noise more and if the roosting bar is raised higher so that it won't be able to stretch it's neck up far enough to crow. You can try covering the windows also, but I had one that would crow at 3 a.m. so they don't always wait for the sun to rise. If you don't need fertile eggs you can also try and caponize it.
Interesting about the crate! I don't think I'm that desperate. I typically get up about that time anyway, but it would be nice if they would hold off for another hour or so. I do have neighbors, but they aren't very close, and the windows are facing our house, so I hope that they can't hear them like we can!
Wow, I feel lucky now. Mine does not start until 7:30, and only goes for an hour. I would think covering the window with a heavy fabric would cut back on the noise, and block out the light.
If your neighbors are far, there is really no need to keep it quiet, especially if it is legal where you are (unless you are trying to keep it from annoying you
A pot?
Just kidding I have the same problem and I work odd hours
Its quite annoying at 730 am when I went to bed at 6. Ive heard of the crate idea but seems like alot of work getting him in and out every morning and night let me know how it turs out

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