Any way to train my cheerleader chicken to pipe down?

Hi all, I have one hen, a scrappy, little Maran Nancy Holler, who insists on hanging around the next boxes and singing to the other hens while they're there laying (we call her the midwife), problem is, with 11 hens, she's in there hollering for a few hours a day and it's starting to wear on my nerves.
At first I thought she was telling the others the hurry up so she can use the Favorite Nestbox but she's there after she lays her egg. she hollers a few times for her own accomplishment and goes back to hollering at everyone else, most of my hens don't even sing the egg song because she's so good at it.
I've though about adding curtains to the boxes so she can't see the hens but I'm not certain that would work for her.
Any thoughts?
OMG!!! I love this! Believe it or not, I have a Australorp that does the same thing. That thing will raise a racket for hours over the other 5 or 6 laying...the neighbors down the road are quite aware of when laying begins and ends daily.
Sorry, but I have no idea how to quiet this behavior. I've tried shooing her out of the nesting area, and holding her and walking around the yard for diversionary tactics. She goes right back to her self-proclaimed job. What can you do?!? Earplugs??

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