Anybody caught any snakes yet this year?


8 Years
Jan 31, 2011
North East Texas
I caught a 6 1/2 ft long rat snake in my coop already, pulled him out and put him in a cooler to relocate him.
I've also seen quite a bit of water maucasins already which is a bad sign >.< (Take my snake stick everywhere)

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Caught two big black snakes in the yard so far. One was six feet seven inches and the other was about five and a half feet. I HATE snakes!
There is a black snake that lives under my shed and next to my coop. He will be a keeper because he will eat mice and other snakes. Neighbor came over and killed a copper head for me it was at my pump house (that is where the well is in case you didn't know). We have well water here. The copper head was a young one and my neighbors son chased a way a glass snake. It's suppose to be harmless. Lets hope it doesn't eat chicken eggs and stuff. I have no idea the length of any of them...... don't really care as long as they leave me and my stuff a lone. I have my neighbor on speed dial.

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