Anybody done this: Incubate under a hen and then pull the eggs?

I know you started this thread a while ago, but I just came across it. We did what you are talking about a little differently.

Last summer my cousins buff orpington was broody. We gathered the days eggs and put 12 - 14 under her. After a week and a half we pulled some out and "candled" them. (Didn't know that was what it was called at the time.) It was much easier to see in the lighter eggs than the dark brown ones. At about 18 or 19 days we took a couple of them out and could hear them chirp in our hands and also felt a couple of them move. On day 21 when we went out and checked 1 was already hatched and dry. So we checked under the broody mama and brought 3 eggs inside that had "pipped" . We gathered the children around the kitchen table and put the eggs in a box with shavings. We put a heat lamp over them and watched. With our 6 children gathered around, we were able to watch 3 of them hatch. It was the most amazing experience for us and our children. I don't think my kids will ever forget it. After the chicks dried, we took them back out to the mama hen and she took over from there. It was incredible.
Best science lesson ever!!!!!
* That's makes the second time I've heard of someone incubating eggs in their bra-- Maybe you could try that, Nifty.
:woot: BAD TOAD!!! BAD! BAD! TOAD!!!
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