AnyBody else set to hatch this weekend?

Whooo, As of this morning all 22 of my eggs have hatched, my Cuckoo Marans were the last, but they are here! Ohhh, and guess what, even the egg I dropped and cracked at day 11, then used wax to cover the cracks hatched!!!! YAY!!
Picks to come!
my hatch has ended 2 out of 6. 1 died after piping and 2 never piped and died in the shell and one didn't develop all the way. Gonna try this again putting more eggs in tomorrow.

Here is a pic of the 2 that made it. They are healthy and already eating and drinking.
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Here is my 1st ever hatch. Started out with 29 eggs (24 from Fredster & 5 of my RIR). Throwed 2 out on day 14 that were clear and 1 because I accidently bumped it against the bator and it cracked severly. I had 3 to pip and went no farther and 3 eggs that just did nothing. So, here are my 20 little ones (19 out of 24 from Fredster and 1 out of 5 of mine)

I diddnt do so well on my friends eggs. She put in two and a half dozen or so, I cant remember for sure. Then we put in 18 on day 18, and hatched out 13.

The other five died in the shell with out absorbing the yolk. They all looked fully developed except for one.

I am thinking: Bad nutrition (they were just from her layers)
Old eggs (She kept them for 2 weeks)
I opened the Bator too much ( I had a staggered hatch due to the shipped eggs coming late and I had to open it to turn them on days 19 and 20.)

What do you guys think? WAAAHHH!! I just want a good hatch like I hear about, atleast 75%!
The last chick hatched the next day and had a defect.
Had what looked like a tumor growing out of the eye socket on one side. It was a case where I had to cull the poor thing. As much as I hate to do it.

The other 2 chicks are doing fine. I put in the chick in the above pic and all are good friends now. I do have 2 more set to hatch in the next couple of days. A Vorwerk and another mutt!
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i know they are so cool they are like a box of chocolate you never know what kind of coloring your gonna get i already have 4 ees hatched a couple jersey giants and a bantam

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