Anybody familiar with Dealer's Choice chicken feed?

underground chickenman

10 Years
May 30, 2009
Orlando, Florida
Maybe it's coincidence (and if it is, I apologize to Dealer's Choice; I don't want to unfairly malign a brand), but I bought some of this brand in an emergency recently, and since about that time, my chickens started eating their eggs, eating each other (practically) and dropped off production. I am getting them back on Layena asap, but just wondering if anybody has ever heard of this brand. I can't find anything on the web.

Sounds to me like they dont have enough protien in their feed.. I would suppliment with hardboiled eggs and black oil sunflower seeds until you get them back on Layena.. I have also crushed up calcium tablets before when I noticed picking and it helped greatly...
Thanks, you were reading my mind. I actually put them on the Purina Farms starter crumbles for higher protein and free choice oyster shell for calcium to give them a quick boost in case they were deficient in either. I also toss in some black oil sunflower seeds each day. We'll see how they do. I will probably go back to Layena after awhile.

Thanks for your reply.

It is amazing what a difference a good quality feed makes. I am pleased to report that almost immediately after switching feed, my chickens are no longer eating their eggs and two weeks after switching feed, those that were nearly eaten to death by their coop-mates have new feather growth on their bald bottoms. All is well again.

Awesome so glad to hear that they have stopped.. So many folks think they have to cull when they have an egg eater but i have found that more often then not it is that they are lacking in something... The tough part is figuring out what...

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