Anybody hatching on Jan 9th?

shut up 12 chicks???? are you sure you werent due yesterday??? I have 1 pip:-( and Im stuck at work till I get home at 4-5pm...Dying to hear their peeps

Nope it is just now day 20 I made sure and i even checked the calender for when i put them in. The temps wherent even high,, probably a little low but hey it worked

man my temps have been low too--my humidity will not go above 60% whats your at?
I am laying in bed and my 10 year old daughter walks into the room. We hear "PEEP" my daughter looks at me and looks outside,looks back at me her eyes get wide and she yells "CHICKS!" and runs over to the bator. Sure enough 4 pips!
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awesome awesome awesome!!! I hope when I get home tonight I have babies waiting for me or at least more than 1 pip!!! 23 eggs made it to lockdown!!!
I have a chick one dark chick. First one ever
it's wet and dark. How long do I keep it in there? 24 hrs.
I have zipping. Cool
Were all going to have a lot of babies.
I have nada, zilch, nothing!! I want pips!! Today is day 20 come on already LOL! Mine are gonna get names like dopey, sleepy, and slowpoke;p
Congrats to everyone on thier babies
We need pics!!!
nothing yet on my nine. Not one pip,or peep out of the bunch. Today around 8 am was 21 days. My temps have been at 99 and humidity has been between 50 and 55% the whole time.
I got a pip last night right about the time my friend was in a wreck. By the time I got her kids and got back, I forgot the little thing. I remembered this morning, and checked. He's starting to zip!!! No more pips yet, but I'm patiently waiting!

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