Anybody hatching on Jan 9th?

wow those are some nice chicks , im due tomorrow , i have 2 eggs rocking around and everyone else is setting still, i hope i dont have a bunch of slackers wanting to take their time , since tomorrow is my day off it would be great to watch everyone hatch
Nothing yet.
Day 20 starting soon.

I've got 2 left in bator

1 large EE I had to help out because it was glued in and struggling to get out-the last is the one silkie that was a day behind to begin with-then I will be done. 3 didnt make it

so It looks like my final count is 20 hatched out of 23-if the silkie makes it out:)
So many cute babies!

I have 10 hatched. One is not looking so good, though. I was pipped nearly all day yesterday and still wasn't out this morning. I helped it out and was upside down in the egg. I looks pretty weak and I'm not sure if it will make it or not.

I wound up with 3 pure ameraucanas, 4 silkie splash ameraucanas, 3 black copper marans. None of the lavender orpingtons hatched. I will wait a while longer and probably open them this evening to see what's inside.


Congrats to all the beautiful baby chicks!
Lost of people getting babies now and there all soooooooo cute. Thank every one for there help and I learded so much and going to use it with my next hatch. Can we see more babies? I have one 6:00am hatch today 6 from yesterday and 7 1/7/10. I think that's great.
Flgardengirl I got my eggs form Mary again thank you Mary, in Powder Springs GA. She packs very well. That would be mrobbins and she will be happy if you want to look her up. I think she has eggs now. \\
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Update on the quail hatch... So far 46 have hatched out of 80. Five did not make it for various reasons, but we have 41 running around the quail brooder. Here are some pictures;

Whadaya mean its nap time?

Hey! Quit crowding the feed bowl!

You just gotta love Quail chicks!


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