Anybody have any ideas for chicken entertainment?

My girls wander around the garden all day, though when they hear a bird on the feeder, they run like crazy to feast on the spillage. When it rains, they sit on the back step and peck on the glass doors - not sure if they are catching mosquitoes or trying to get my attention. The other day I had some earthworms from the garden and thought they would love them.They watched them wriggle around for a while, then wandered off. Go figure! The turtle was not so blasé.
Diving for dog food is a treat or my girls. They have a shallow tub, their wading pool for those hot days. I fill it with fresh water and toss in dry dog food. They have a great time!
Here's one that we came up with years ago. A medium-sized cardboard box, maybe 16 inches on each side, with straw in the bottom. In our case it's inside the house, between the woodstove and the back door. Our birds love to climb in, scratch and turn around, and just revel in the experience. The gorgeous Welsummer rooster, Leo, gets in the box and chuckles to himself for half an hour at a time.
As others have suggested, we provide a lot of entertainment. Several of ours love to fly up to the backs of our chairs, talk to us, preen or nap, and take turns snuggling in our laps. I don't think you need to go to special lengths - chickens will entertain themselves with all sorts of items around the house and yard.
My chicks love, love their yellow treat balls. I make a mix of seeds and grains and fill the balls each day. They roll and chase them around to make the goodies fall out of the holes. Tractor Supply has them or you can get them online.
We hang an ear of cooked corn-on-the cob by a string and they peck at it for hours, it reminds me of tether ball!
A bird suet feeder stuffed with table scraps also works ! They love it!!
Good luck!
They love Opera music. They love to be handled gently. They love spaggtti dinners. A stroll to the park, beach and street fair is amusing to people and to your favorite chicken. I use a special purse for small lap dogs for my chicken. A trip to a school or to a old folks home is always fun, and they may pay you a little for chicken feed.
Take her on a ride in a car, they get right into it and you should see the faces at the light! These are just some of the stuff I like to do with my pet chicken. They will get trained in about one day, and then go back to the farm. Hope this helps.
Our rooster, Chicken Little, loves cat toys! Especially the toys that hang from a wand. We hang them up and he dances around them and pecks at them. He also likes the little balls with bells in them. His FAVORITE thing is the attention he gets from us so I have to agree with what someone else already said.....your chickens would love YOU as their favorite toy! :->
I add new things to my chicken pens every week as we only let them out in the yard when we can directly supervise them since a recent hawk attack. These include pine boughs I cut from the woods, large chunks of logs from the woodpile and chicken kongs- plastic bottles with holes poked through and filled with scratch feed. New elements keeps them entertained....

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