Anybody have any ideas for chicken entertainment?

how did you get your chickens to eat slugs? Mine won't even touch them.I even gathered up some slugs and then porch chicken scratch on it and they still wouldn't get the slugs.

My chickens liked to dig for slugs. They like digging and scratching up stuff themselves. Don't worry about it. Chickens eat what their body needs. For 3 years I had a Silkie that wouldn't eat tomatoes until our new Ameraucana went for it and now she eats tomatoes 3 years later! Chickens are wary creatures and take time to adjust to a particular meal or food. After the slugs and snails were all pretty much eradicated by the hens they suddenly decided Earwigs were a good substitute and they never touched them before! Only one of our hens chases Japanese Beetles while the others ignore them. Who knows what makes chicken food tasty - a color, a texture, a taste, a smell, a shape ???
How old should the little ladies be when starting treats and babies are 1 week....SO EXCITED...but don't want to hurt them ....thanks for all the info!!
So many wonderful ideas!

I've never seen a bored chicken - they always seem to be exceptionally busy with something, but mine most certainly love climbing / flying up onto their jungle gym, dusts baths, digging and anything involving food items. Sometimes we make them mini pancakes with blueberries and toss the pancakes in at random spots. The gals run all over the place trying to find them.

The thing that really gets my gals excited are straw bales. Every now and then I drop a few new bales into their run, remove the strings and let them go to town. They climb all over them and scratch like crazy, looking for stray wheat/oat seeds and bugs. It doesn't take long before the bales are spread evenly over the run. It saves me having to do it and they have a great time of it!
My chickens also like cilantro plants.

When I was researching safe vs toxic plants Cilantro and Parsley were no-no's. Anyone have any input since chickens will eat just about anything including toxic plants - i.e. tomato vines and leaves are no-no's but some will stupidly indulge anyway.
You could get some dog harnesses and leashes put them on the chicken and take them for a walk in the park like a dog

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