anybody here a victim of unemployment?

We are about to suffer unemployment if the Gulf drilling moratorium isn't lifted!
The most telling and unfortunate truth is that many that say they are trying to get a job are putting in the minimal required applications/interviews while they collect unemployment for as long as they can. Then, when it runs out and they still don't have a job, they are bawling like we all owe them something.

I'm not saying this is the case for everyone...but it certainly is for many. I know too many of them.

In the Great Depression, the term "looking for work" meant something totally different than it does now. Men left their families and went to far away places to find employment. Women did ANYTHING they could to bring in a few cents...childcare, housekeeping, cooking, laundry....anything that would bring in some money. I know folks who are unemployed that won't take a minimum wage job because "I'm not gonna' work for peanuts". What? If it's a job and they will hire you...TAKE IT!! Have some gumption and get off OUR payroll.

Folks today think they are suffering if they have to cut back on how much they eat out or go to the movies. WTH??

Sorry..just can't agree that anyone is a VICTIM of unemployment. You are a victim of bad government and salacious politicians. If the people don't rise up and revolt at the voting booth this will never get better. Don't believe much of what you hear on the news. Government officials are scared right now and they do not want you to know how bad things really are...or how bad they will likely get.
I quit my last job to go to work for myself when I picked what I wanted to do I decided to work in the food store business because no matter how bad an economy gets folks have got to eat food is right there with shelter. mostly I repair refrigeration units big walk in freezers and refrigerators, ice machines now when the weather is hot I have all the work I can handle but when the temps start to cool down my work starts to slow down and then I trap nuisance animals for folks the 2 jobs kina overlap a bit during the year lately I have been ridding a couple of golf courses of muskrats and nutria rats. I have done a couple of fox and coon jobs this spring for folks with birds seems like the preds are really out in force this year.
Sadly, for our Congress YES. There are too many politicians on corp. payrolls to protect Big Business etc.... and at this point, I think the Senate would argue of the color of the sky!

the big business thingy is true. they need to stop worrying about big businesses and start worrying about the people

Just WHO then should we work for?? I'm not defending corporate greed. It exists. BUT BIG BUSINESS PROVIDES JOBS!! Have we as a country become so uneducated that we can't figure this out?
The ONLY way people can go back to work is IF there is an employer to go to. AND, most employers whether big or small are in business to make money. I don't agree with the ways some go about it. I think a lot of companies have lost the "employees make or break us" concept and worry way too much about counting pennies over people.
Blanket statements about the "EVIL" corporation though are just...............wrong. The richest man in the country still cares about his employees. (or seems to) He pays a good wage, provides excellent benefits, and runs a HUGE corporation. Microsoft. So he's evil too?
Jobs have gone away for a miriad of reasons. Government is the last answer to this problem. More regulations, taxes, and mandates only take away from the employers ability to hire and expand.
Now I'm rambling again and I'll shut up. For now.
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Not yet! But I've had to take a job out of state and live in an old RV during the work week and drive many miles to make it home for the weekends. Many of my co-workers in my industry are in the same boat----become a migrant worker and do without insurance or benefits to keep your head above water. Sad to say more of my co-workers have lost their house etc. before biting the bullet and travel to work. It's hard to see my company spend millions on "improvements" including management pay while reducing the pay and benefits of the hourly workers. It's my understanding from reading the business news that 56% of America lives off the tax base of the remainer. Goverment money isn't free, it's coming from those of us that are working at anything we can to keep our heads above water. Socialism only works as long as you have somebody's else's money to spend----and I'm about fed up with it.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Get out of my wallet. I am always willing to give someone a hand up. A hand OUT is something else altogether. I don't have much, but I am willing to help. Just don't put a gun to my head when you ask!
Its CANT support a family on Mcdonalds wages..

Gonzo: We're going through the same thing here with my husband being laid off from sheet metal work...
We have no more unemployment benefits..

He'll have to go find a small paying job somewhere local just for grocery money...
the problem with that is.. when the union calls him back to work.. they say show up tomorrow...and if hes working at another place he would need to give them a 2 week notice... (its just the right thing to do..)
We dont know what to do....
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the big business thingy is true. they need to stop worrying about big businesses and start worrying about the people

Just WHO then should we work for?? I'm not defending corporate greed. It exists. BUT BIG BUSINESS PROVIDES JOBS!! Have we as a country become so uneducated that we can't figure this out?
The ONLY way people can go back to work is IF there is an employer to go to. AND, most employers whether big or small are in business to make money. I don't agree with the ways some go about it. I think a lot of companies have lost the "employees make or break us" concept and worry way too much about counting pennies over people.
Blanket statements about the "EVIL" corporation though are just...............wrong. The richest man in the country still cares about his employees. (or seems to) He pays a good wage, provides excellent benefits, and runs a HUGE corporation. Microsoft. So he's evil too?
Jobs have gone away for a miriad of reasons. Government is the last answer to this problem. More regulations, taxes, and mandates only take away from the employers ability to hire and expand.
Now I'm rambling again and I'll shut up. For now.

How can you not worry about big business when they are the ones getting alot of YOUR tax dollars? Do you think places like wal-mart does this country good? They're partly to blame for so many factory jobs being outsoursed overseas! Capitalism is not true to any country, they go where they can make and save the most money. Whirlpool here just closed there doors last friday, why? wasn't because business is bad! Those jobs went to Mexico! Bill Gates is only one of a few outta thousands. And by the way..... unemployment benefits are taxed. And don't tell me that those folks get that money back either! I paid over 2 grand in taxes last year.

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