anybody here a victim of unemployment?

I was talking about the taxes that they take out of the unemployment checks...
They start taking taxes out of the very first check... If you dont have them take taxes out WILL end up paying at the end of the year come tax filing time...
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Let me clear this up... You draw a certain amount of UI. It depends on your wages. Some get more, others will get less. But, You must have worked for, and earned a certain amount before qualifing.
I think if we can ALL put politics aside. Talk about these issues. Debate them. (which is what made this country so great) Compromise. (which there is NONE of anymore. again, "I didn't do it he did") WE as a people could have this worked out pretty quick. But we keep sending politicians with an agenda (which is mostly always about them, not us) to represent us. This is not a particular party disease, some have it worse than others. Some people don't want to believe that theirs is just as bad as mine. Sometimes, like today, they are even worse. I've been called a racist for not supporting a socialist president. HOW SO? I've always tried my hardest to judge a man (person for those who insist on politcal correctness) by his character. I don't see any. I see a very confused, very weak leader, who is ruining our country, our economy, and our way of life. Its not a personal attack on the man. I don't know him personally. Anyone notice the G20 summit last week? Europe of all places turned their backs on him. Why? They're broker than we are. And he wants to keep spending and spending and spending. Actually its borrowing and borrowing and borrowing. From whom? People who hate us actually. And when they call the note due, then what? You think we're in rough times now just wait. Our grandkids won't be able to pay back just what this administration has borrowed let alone what the last one borrowed.
The Revolution was ALL of us with our differing opinions fighting exactly what we're up against today, except now its our government instead of England. Our Constitution took a long time to work out. Compromise, debate, and listening to differing opinions. Now they want to throw it out or treat as a "living" document. A WHAT? Thats just political speak for "I don't like this part so lets throw it out".
Whats happened to Patriotism? Country first. (after God and Family of course) MY COUNTRY FIRST!! I'm not disrespecting anyone from another country. I would expect the same furvor from them about their country. Too many people living here could care less about their country, just send me my "Obama Check".
BTW I AM A LEACH! I am a State employee. I am a leach on the taxpayers. But someone has to keep the lights on and the alarms working at the prison. (which is brimming) You should see the looks I get from co-workers when I tell them I don't want a raise. Who's going to pay for it? How much of your check are you willing to give up? I do NOT make much money. I have enough. More of us should have "enough".
I think so. I know there are rules as to IF you can get UI. I thought I read something about having to have been employed for 2 years (not with one employer necessarily) so that you can't just do nothing for years, then get a job for two weeks, and then not show up until fired and get a free check... but I could be wrong. I think if you could my Sis would have done that years ago, but she's never held a job more than a month so no dice?

It royally sucks to see people laid off, but depending on the government to pay your bills, your food, your everything for you and your family just scares the snot out of me... maybe it comes from living with an abusive stepfather, but depending on anyone bigger than you, who could imprison you if they got peeved, just freaks me out.

I think it'd be MUCH better (and other Libertarians agree) that paying into retirement, etc should be your choice... it used to be. Used to SS was OPTIONAL... and only those who paid in were able to cash in... that's changed... and now there's UI on top of that. I think if folks want to save they should be able to.... instead of those taxes going to the government to blow (IE the 5 MILLION given to the Kennedy family that was snuck in as an earmark on the Defense bill) instead it could go into a savings account that you can access in times of need... taxes paid on it when you spend it... just like your retirement/SS...

America is supposed to be all about You being in charge of Your Dream... not a king telling you want your dream is and forcing you to follow it. Unfortunately we've become complacent... we'd rather stick with the status quo that is KILLING us than to rock the boat and change things. American blood has thinned to the point where our Forefathers wouldn't even recognize us.

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.


Personal Responsibility + Uphold The Constitution = LP.ORG
WOW! I've never heard/read that one. Powerful statement. Thank YOU for posting it.
I've wondered a lot lately what JFK would be thinking today with the state of affairs. HE WAS A PATRIOT!
Now this is something we can agree on
Now this is something we can agree on

And this is how our Constitution was written. We may disagree but sometimes we have to agree to disagree and move forward. (Forward is NOT progressive)
Oh I love a good quote... that one happens to be from a Dem... other's from Rep... Jefferson of course was a Democratic-Republican (which we Libertarians tend to think means the good bits of D + the good bits of R... like us)....

What happened last week, last month, last century... that's in the past and there's no point in pointing fingers... particularly when three point back at you... study the past, remember it, learn from it so you aren't doomed to repeat it... but don't live in it... better to come together and plan for a brighter future...

I'm the WORST about procrastinating... "Oh when I get the bills balanced THEN..." or "When I get caught up on this project THEN..." and you know what... nothing ends up done... juggling ten balls just means that instead of one falling, ten do. We need to focus point by point, issue by issue, no hiding/sneaking crap in, and get ourselves straightened out.

But that's a team effort... EVERY American needs to help... doesn't have to be big stuff... donate a 0.88c roll of toilet paper to a local charity... THAT will help someone... or, volunteer at the Library... or recycle... or trim down water usage... there are tons of tiny little things that cost little to nothing that you can do to help your community... and you can help yourself too... I think we need to regrow our sense of community or we'll never get anyone caring enough to change things... if they don't care about the little things in their own community that need changing, they certainly aren't going to fight for big changes that they won't even be able to see. Unless we get to that hypothetical 'rock bottom' where there's no where to go but up... but that just scares the snot out of me... I don't even want to imagine it.

Whoops, rambled again. *blush*
Stumbled across this one on Yahoo...

– More than 1.3 million laid-off workers won't get their unemployment benefits reinstated before Congress goes on a weeklong break for Independence Day.

A nice touch don't you think... them getting a paid week long vacation, while the public holds their breath. I don't like the UI system, but if you're going to have one then do it in a timely manner so that suffering is as small as possible.

Boy I can't want until the next election... I am not one who votes against what I fear... I vote FOR what I believe in... my MIL thinks I waste my vote... but you know, if enough of us start voting based on what we want to see, not what we're terrified will happen then we might just be able to make a difference. So long as we cower the grave only gets a little deeper.

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