anybody here a victim of unemployment?

Just because someone collects unemployment, it does not mean they are looking for handouts! My husband has been unemployed since just before Thanksgiving and his unemployment is now up. He has spent the last 19 years working in the civil engineering industry with the last 10 years strictly in schools (new K-12 public schools and additions); the last 8 has been in Project Management. He isn't an idiot or lazy! States are funding new schools...heck, they are closing them down in some areas. My husband CAN'T find a job. He has been looking. There are so many unemployed civil engineers out there now with more education that my husband has NO choice, but to go back to school now if he ever wants to continue in a career.

My mother is also a civil engineer...35 yrs experience in residential land development. She was laid off in March 2008, found work out-of-state and got laid off in Dec 2008 when that company lost contracts due to their clients going belly-up. Her unemployment is up, as is my brothers (same industry...runs in the family). Now, they are looking at the possibility of moving into my place.

I am lucky in that I went ahead to get my Master's a couple years ago (recently finished) and am one of the few of many I know to have found work (because of my education beyond what is typically required. However, because the economy stinks, I am paid ~$17,000 less than what I was offered 2 years ago. I am suppose to support 5 adults on my income now, 2 of which are going to return to school (no choice) with a 3rd strongly contemplating it. Meanwhile, they will all be looking for PT work to hold them over until they can find FT work. My husband doesn't have the choice to move out-of-state since I HAVE a job, we own our house (we just gonna give it up?) and where would he stay? We can't afford two places. My mom and brother are out of state and are looking at coming here since it is a roof over their head. Many in my family are in land development, two other households are all unemployed (licensed surveryors) and are planning on moving to Washington to move in with my aunt (whose husband is an employed accountant thankfully).

Two employed people (my aunt's husband and myself) are gonna support a full extended family while they help pitch in with whatever PT work they can only hope to find? Yes, there are lazy people people out there, but my husband gave up 40% of his income for nearly 20 years to CA and federal taxes and now he is being told he is lazy because we rely on his unemployment to make ends meet? He has 10 weeks left and it is gone. We have loved frugally for years, but my income won't cut it. We are trying to sell whatever we can (including the one car that has a payment) just so we can make ends meet.

Times are rough for everyone and we are doing what we can, but the attitude that the unemployed are lazy and looking for hand outs makes me madder than a red hen.
If there were freakin' jobs available, he'd be working!
^ True, absolutely. But you must admit that there are folks who abuse the system and it is those that the anger is directed at. The one rotten apple that ruins the bushel if you will. They're ALWAYS the ones we hate.

But, for people on unemployment, how long should it go on? Do you think there should ever be a limit, or that it should carry on until 65 when it gets converted into Social Security... and if so, then does your unemployment for years count as money paid into your SS so you get a check based on that, or do you think it should be calculated on what you actually worked?

Your DH is one of the ones I don't resent, not at all. You aren't abusing the system, but I am curious as to, as employed taxpayers (think back to before he was laid off), what your opinion is on that?
You might not want to just point a finger at "Big Business", small businesses are just as to blame for the loss of jobs to illegals. Here in Texas it is a very common practice for small business owners to go to Mexico to recruit and bring in workers for projects and jobs. Personally I dont fault anyone wanting to leave that cesspool of a country to come north and do the menial jobs that most Americans refuse to do because of hard labor or not enough pay. If I lived there I would want to go somewhere else also.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a fan of any of the things going on in our country at the moment. My pet peeve is wall street speculation and how it has brought our economy to its knees way too many times but yet it is still allowed to control so much in our economy. Number one on my list of problem speculation: OIL. Demand has been down for well over a year now and our current inventory of oil in the market has been as high as its been in almost 20 years but yet one day of stupid speculation by hedge funds on wall street will cause all of us to have to pay another .15 cents a gallon.....
But I digress..
I spent time in South America a few years back and I saw poor people. People who'd take any job that they could get so that their family could get by. Johnny and Jasmine, a couple who became very good friends, lived in a bamboo hut. Then I came back to the states and I saw a bunch of lazy materialistic Americans.

My view is that as a whole we are a soft society. We don't take adversity well and expect someone to be there to catch us when we fall. I fear that there are some very tough times ahead for us. I read about people with careers struggling to find a job in their field. At some point they're going to have to take whatever the heck they can get and constant extensions of unemployment paid for by more debt only furthers that holding out and waiting mentality. As Pineapplemama mentioned, should unemployment go on forever? At some point people need to swallow their pride and take anything.
I am not lazy and have been out of work for 1 1/2 years. I have applied at Fast Food, but something about an over qualified 40 something makes them not hire you
I'm sorry for posting this link. It was meant to help those here that have lost their job, and cannot find work. Not for lack of trying to find a job. I was not trying to start a debate. I had no idea I would be nailed to a cross and set on fire here! Like others have said on this post, either their jobs have been lost, or their spouses jobs have been lost. These folks are hard working Americans that can't find work, not for lack of trying, but because their are no jobs! We don't want handouts, or welfare. Its shameful that there's folks here that see it that way. I wish no ill will towards them, and I hope they are never in this situation. I will not argue this point or post anymore about it.
Alot of the smaller contractors here are doing a lot of under the table work not completely gone out of business they are advertising in penny papers offering XX% savings for cash the larger contractors are going out because the smaller ones are offering cutthroat prices at this point there are more then a few small contractors that do not charge overtime for weekend work or after hour work and the big guys just cannot compete with this
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If I left the impression that unemployed are lazy I sincerely appologize. BUT at the same time I do know some who take their unemployment as "vacation funds".
As for extending benefits, if theres a way to pay without BORROWING the money, or using MY insurance, it needs to be done. But WE are BROKE! The only way people are going back to work is the FEDs need to get out of the way. Stop taxing our way into poverty.
Welcome to the 2nd Great Depression. I'm making room for family if they need help. We will survive. So, will you, be strong.
I think we need to seriously change the thinking in this country. Too many see "toys" as necessities. IE: cell phones, game boxes, computers, fancy cars, and on and on.
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I have been Unemployed since May 08.I worked for the same company DH is still lucky enough to have his job but he has been there 15 years too.About 1000 of Us lost our job's.My benefit's ran out earlier this year.It's hard finding any work here.And it's been unfair to most of Us since We have been basicly blacklisted.The company We worked for pay's Very well and most companie's or people won't hire Us because they all think if there is a call back We will just quit to go back for the wage's even at risk of being laid off again.I figured with most of the resteraunt job's and the hour's they give you it really wouldnt even barely cover my car payment and insurance/gas.So anyway my car got repo'd just this week.We have cut spending We dont eat out,I don't buy hardly anything We don't need.I guess the only thing I did do this spring was try to get my bird flock started again in hope's of having some chick's,egg's and bird's to sell once I got them started again.I don't know what people are going to do.There are many skilled worker's out there having problem's finding job's as well as blue collar like myself.There are a few small job's cropping up with this govt.insentive pkg. deal but by No mean's going to employ enough people.I don't think unemployment should be infinate by No mean's.But when thing's get in a mess like it has this time something need's to be done.I wish everyone had fair paying job's back and get on with their live's.Most of Us want to work and pay our way and Not be on welware.
Yes, I do agree that there are people who abuse the system. ...and I would like to smack them!
Why not require proof of job application or furthering education. As for how long? Not sure...surely not forever, but, if they are going to keep talking about the 99 weeks, it'd be nice to stick to it while the economy stinks. Should it count towards SS? No. If you work the rest of your life, it shouldn't affect you not having that amount applied. SS tax isn't taken out of the check, so I don't see why it should apply to SS checks when DH retires someday.

I was reading an article tha said that 1.3 milion (or maybe it was 1.7 million..don't remember exactly) lose their benefits as of now due to the unemployment benefits ending after the initial 6 months. By the end of July it will rise to nearly 2 million people. How will this affect the economy when people are scraping by making their bill now, but all of a sudden in less than one quarter we're gonna have a sharp increase in loss of income and people no longer making their bills....that scares me.

In addition, the article said that one party (no names as I don't want to start anything) wants to borrow the money, adding to the national debt. The other party wants it taken from the stimulus money that isn't used. The other party argues that it can't be taken fro the stimulus money since it is for job creation. My thoughts (I am a scientist, not a politician or economist) is if the stimulus money is already approved and set aside (no additional debt creation) then use it. Either create jobs or approve the unemployment bill. That many people losing their income in a short amount of time is putting us at risk of a double-dip recession. Yes, unemployment is only a band-aid. So, use the money that has already been approved for job creation (and not being used), and fund inftrastructure projects! If eng's are employed for design, then it goes to the construction crews, agencies get money by fees and taxes and people start shopping trickling the money down in the economy.

I am not a big fan of government controlled everything, but I am also not a fan of doing nothing and potentially making a bad situation worse. We can bail out auto companies, but we can't help the unemployed or use the stimulus money to create jobs (as it was intended)?

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