Anybody know of where I can get Emu and Rhea chicks around the western part of VA?


10 Years
Nov 27, 2009
Cedar Bluff, VA
Been looking around on the net trying to get back into raising Rheas and probably Emus too. Can't find anybody near by that sells chicks though is the problem. Anybody got any suggestions? Better yet any advice on raising them would be helpfull too cause I haven't fooled with them in over 15 years. Thanks for your help looking forward to hearing your suggestions and helping me out before the wife changes her mind about letting me have them. lol
Your getting an Emu? Just for your backyard? Is that even legal? (sorry for my stupid questions)
There was a thread in this part of the forum a few weeks ago for emu chicks for sale in VA. It's probably a page or so back but the title says Emu chicks for sale in VA/MD, they may or not still have some but they sent me a PM with their phone number & email address so if you can't find their thread let me know & I'll send you the info.
Thank you guys for the info take a look through the pages and see if I can find it. Yeah only have 60 acres out back so yeah getting them for the backyard. Working to get the fence lined out now if it doesn't happen this year maybe next. Miss not having my rheas been a while since I had mine but I really enoyed them. Would love to get back into it and after having my butt kicked by a rhea pretty sure don't want to go any bigger then an emu.
I looked that the post and saw where you said you might have some. Your probably closer to me then what I have a feeling is someone up in northern VA. PM me the info on them if you still have any.
Thanks guys but I think I found a place local. They are about 20 miles from here and raise emu and ostrich. Just gotta make the call cause it's a lot cheaper even if they are a bit higher to get them up the road from here then to travel halfway across the state. Still looking for the Rheas though seems they aren't as popular as the emus. Guess that's why the last time I had them they were gave to me. The rest of the birds got hauled off for meat processing. .

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