Anybody make they're own feed?

no, I'm not "clamming" that at all.
c'mon now, Chris...with all due respek, you gotta know by now that when I throw out numbers I mean what I say...

My chickens are zoological specimens, not filthy farm animals. Yes, my eggs are spendy, but I enjoy them.

I do hope you are not clamming that my birds are "filthy farm animals" .

So what is a "zoological specimens".


I am going through 50lbs of feed a week right now! I had 24 birds, just butchered three broilers which means I have 21 birds left, 6 of which are broilers. The rest are egg layers with the exception of 4 roo's that some how ended up in the mix. Anyways, they're pigs! Feed is the main source of food. They have a very large run but there is very little grass in there anymore and they love when I bring them kitchen scraps.

What I really want to know is if anyone makes they're own food and is more economical. I plan on butchering the rest of the broilers in the next week or so and I'm sure this will cut on my feed bill greatly but I would still like to make them feed.

Thanks a bunch!
I read on one of these threads. they paid 40 per ton. If one thinks about it it makes sense the solution is to sprout grain. I did read you have adult birds. When you sprout the seed its protein as well as vitamin content increases you get 6 lbs for a lb of grain conversipn. its npt to complicated. a couple tricks and 6 days later bam cheap nutrious feed look for the thread
I have 80 chickens and 25 Muscovy and geese.. there are free range in 10 acres i open the coop at the morning and close them at night they all come back i have planted fig trees, mulberries, apple trees, pears, persimmons, hipofaes and other trees and thorny shrubs that produce way too many fruit for me and my family so there are many leftover for the chickens and other animals to eat. The only my chickens wont eat are citrus. (my Muscovy love oranges) i only give them corn in winter when the weather is very bad and the day is smaller so they don't forage match. We do have hawks in my area but never had a problem. I have remove my feeder when i found that the mot of the feed was taken by sparrows and rats. You can always feed them left overs if you have enough and if you want to grow something try sunflowers also try your bakery and see if they have spare bread or food they didn't sell and eventually they will throw that away. soak the bread n water add your used cooking oil and there you go. In the winter they will find lots of grass and very little fruits. The summer tons of fruit less grass and many bugs. I really thing that the way is to plant some fruit trees try with fig they grow very quick and mulberry, they also provide Sade for your chickens in the summer.
Have you done it? In reality it cuts your costs to about 1/4 of your food cost if you buy your pellets. For those who do it though its being done. I agree it is a science and you need to know a lot about nutritional values and biology or yes your chickens will suffer.
Thank you Den in Penn! I can definitely grind it. NO problem. Seems like a lot of work, but I have the equipment to grind and mix I am a bakery owner. I can't wait to get to work on it. thank you

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