Anybody NOT looking forward to their New Years Eve plans?

See I WANT to go out. The kid is at my moms!!!! But I know he doesnt. So we will stay in. Again.

Last time I went out for New Years was back in 99. And I looked GOOD
I don't think so. I haven't been a partier since my early 20's.

I am looking forward to an evening with DH and my nephew, eating hamburger steak smothered in mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and yeast rolls, and perhaps building a fire in the wood stove and watching Foyle's War.

Pumpkinpup, you're welcome to come over.
We don't go out on NYE or any other "Eve" come to think of it....we are happy at home in each others company...except tonight I am home alone!!!!!!!!
We're 26 and feel too old to go out and party.
We're more academically inclined, so a party to us is some good home-cooked food, a glass of wine, a good book or video game and a roaring fireplace -- all of which are in the works for this evening.
i'm 35...and an old fart also....i like being at home better then going out these days....ALTHOUGH...if i could get to NYC for the ball dropping...i'd be there in a hot second...

i'm alone tonight also!...
...well..the kids are here...but hubby is on the road(coming back from Ohio) picking up my new puppy...i hope he stays safe tonight...with all the idiots driving drunk tonight!...
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That sounds just about right! I don't mind going out now and then, but I don't 'have' to be out on the town to have a good time. I'll be home on my own tonight with a roaring fire in the wood stove, a good book and the tv. I was going to head into town for dinner with my parents but there's a nasty storm headed our way and I didn't want to be on the roads with the other foolish drivers out there.

Urban Coyote

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