Anyone cross a silver laced Wyandotte hen with a Barred Rock roo?


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Southeast Alabama
We have an egg that's due to hatch in a few days that is supposed to be from this cross. The Wyandotte laid it and the only roo this person has is a Barred Rock. I was just curious what the cross might look like.
Thanks. We will probably keep this one for an egg layer, so I was just curious what it might look like when grown. My husband bought some BR hatching eggs and this one was thrown in just to see if we could hatch it because the other guy hasn't had luck with them. I could really see some movement in this one, so I have my fingers crossed.
Well, they hatched and we could not tell which was the cross and which were the "pure" Barred Rocks. Then I noticed that one had a different comb. The cross has a little rose comb, so it was easy to pick it out once we noticed this difference. Otherwise the chicks are nearly identical.
Yep, I thought that would be the case. It may get some different plumage later on, like maybe some lacing-like coloring in the chest area, but will look pretty much like a BR, I'd think, except for that comb.
I a
We have an egg that's due to hatch in a few days that is supposed to be from this cross. The Wyandotte laid it and the only roo this person has is a Barred Rock. I was just curious what the cross might look like.
I actually just got my first fertile eggs from my own flock. I have a black sex link (barred rock) rooster and a couple sapphire gems and a couple silver lace Wyandotte’s. It appears I have eggs from both hens. The BR rooster carries the gene to his offspring, I believe. I’m hoping for some sapphire with barred pattern. Or anything cool lol. When the sex links are chicks, the roosters will have a dot on there head. Easy way to sex them as hens will not have that. Least they are not supposed too. Congrats on the babies.
I a

I actually just got my first fertile eggs from my own flock. I have a black sex link (barred rock) rooster and a couple sapphire gems and a couple silver lace Wyandotte’s. It appears I have eggs from both hens. The BR rooster carries the gene to his offspring, I believe. I’m hoping for some sapphire with barred pattern. Or anything cool lol. When the sex links are chicks, the roosters will have a dot on there head. Easy way to sex them as hens will not have that. Least they are not supposed too. Congrats on the babies.

a black sex link roo will have one copy of the barring gene, but a true barred rock will have two. The black sex link will pass barring on to 50% of his offspring but it will not be sex linked in that generation. Any barred females from that cross CAN be used to create more sex links.

Barred females only carry a single barring gene, and it can only be passed to their sons, which is why sex linking works. Meanwhile a pure barred rooster has two barring genes and will pass it to all of his offspring, regardless of gender. A sex link rooster though, only carries a single copy of the gene, but it can go to either gender, half of the time.
a black sex link roo will have one copy of the barring gene, but a true barred rock will have two. The black sex link will pass barring on to 50% of his offspring but it will not be sex linked in that generation. Any barred females from that cross CAN be used to create more sex links.

Barred females only carry a single barring gene, and it can only be passed to their sons, which is why sex linking works. Meanwhile a pure barred rooster has two barring genes and will pass it to all of his offspring, regardless of gender. A sex link rooster though, only carries a single copy of the gene, but it can go to either gender, half of the time.
Gotcha. Breeding sex links and understanding their offspring is hard for me. Least right now bc they are new to me. So a sex link rooster mates with a sapphire gem and a silver lace Wyandotte would end up as what? Thank you for clarifying

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