Anyone crossing Cream Brabanters with EE's?


11 Years
Jun 8, 2008
I have a beautiful EE roo that is cream spangeled. His name is Rod Stewart (he's a tall skinny blond). I got him from a friend who hatched him from a seabright hen. His dad is an EE out of a blue egg. I think he is gorgeouse! I love him so much that I am considering getting rid of my BR Ameraucana roo that took BOV at the Ohio National because he beats up on poor Roddy. The life of a half-banite roo can be cruel... Sorry, I tend to ramble when it comes to chickens... Anywho, I plan to breed him to all of my EE hens of various colors and see what I get. I would love some Cream Brabanter hens to go with him. Also, if anyone is crossing them with EE's I would be very interested in eggs, chicks in the spring, or two hens. I am willing to swap for eggs! I will post som pics of Roddy and his hens soon.
Am I the only person who happens to be interested in a Cream Brabanter/EE project?
Anyone know where I can get some Cream Brabanter hens?
Ideal has them but they are sold out till April
Why do you want to cross them? They are endangered and need, if possible to be kept pure. Not that it wouldn't be fun to see the crosses! They are very hardy for Northern climates. Hand Poultry in Texas has eggs, still, I think.


Well, the time has come I think for me to expand a little. I ended up by a lucky chance to hatch a very nice Roo. The two hens are not bad either. This is a very nice breed of chicken. They are very hardy and range well. The Roos are fearless, but calculating. They seem to use their chicken brains very well! I am very pleased with mine.
Banter, you have a very good point. I keep many varities of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, and melons; and understand the need for us to protect the genetic diversity in our domestic plants and animals. The reason I wanted some Brabanter hens was simply because I love the color. I have a cream spangeles EE roo, and I have just enough room to give him two more hens. I have a small flock of pets, and do not have the room for any serious breeding. My hubby and I plan to move to a small farm in a rural part of the state, and he knows that the first thing I'm going to do is build a large chicken house with breeding pens. I want to have dual purpose breeds like Buckeyes and Delawares. Are Brabanters dual porpose or layers? I did not know they were so rare, or the roos so handsome!

I know that Ideal has them, but I try to not buy from big hatcheries (freedom rangers aside). I also prefer to buy pullets or hens, not chicks.
Does anyone have information/photos of the brabanter / ameraucana cross? I understand that brabanters are incredibly rare, and certainly understand wanting to keep their genetics pure. I only ask because if I had a brabanter roo, he would have access to all the hens, including a number of ameraucanas. Just curious!
Am I the only person who happens to be interested in a Cream Brabanter/EE project?
Anyone know where I can get some Cream Brabanter hens?
Very old thread, but I am interested and wonder how this turned out! I have a Burbanter roo... will his white egg genetics dull the blue?

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