Anyone die from anticipation while waiting on hatching? UPDATE PICS!

Have two pips.. see signs of hatching in three more.. come on chickies.. you can do it..

three dogs VERY interested in where all the peeping is coming from.. even more interested when their mama (me) does her best impression of encouraging peeps..l

pip count 3... activity in 2 more eggs.. one of the chicks is EVERY anxious to get out (well I bet they all are!) but it hasn't made the hole large enough.. keeps peeping and
Shelly, that is very exciting! Congratulations!

I hope mine will be doing the same thing in 11 or so days. Most of my 18 shipped eggs are showing signs of advancement of life! I can't tell on my 4 marans!

I am waiting with eagger excitement! I can't wait!

So excited for your new babies!

Keep the photos coming!!!!!
Congratulations!!! Very cute! How are the others coming along? #2 out yet? I'm still waiting. Day 21 for me and i definitely see the eggs rocking but still no peeps or pips!!!!! This is driving me nuts!! I don't think i was this anxious when my kids were born! Congrats to you, keep the updates coming.
Ok so im totally confused.. In the above picture it seems that u have eggs hatching, WHILE- your auto egg turner is still going? Are u not afraid that the chick will wander under that and crush themself? And how is the humidity regulating for both hatching and growing? I thought growing eggs required low humidity or the egg couldn't "breathe" and would drown in water? If u had eggs hatching and growing at the same time (and needed 70%humidity to aid hatching, 30% for growing), wouldn't you drown the growing embryos while the ones in lockdown are hatching? Isn't that why they recommend 2 incubators? Just asking..
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DMS.. look closely. The turning trays have been taken out of one end and we have created a barrier between that section of the incubator and the eggs still turning. The barrier goes from floor to ceiling.. I was TEMPTED to buy eggs from the auction and have a mixed hatch.. the next ones will have the benefit of the entire floor of the incubator. Problem is.. I have more eggs being shipped the 27th!
My name is Shelly and I am a hatchaholic now.

I am a newbie and honestly didn't do{or know} much with the humidity except fill the wells in the incubator.. on lockdown for these.. I refilled the trays and they were sitting on damp towels. There are mixed opinions about when.. how much.. and what with the humidity so I am just celebrating the fact that I have hatching..

chick number 2 should be out within the next hour..

Shelly, My name is Nate.. And i am also a Hatchaholic now.. I have looked closer.. I see.. But i understand that u must have high humidity (around 70%) to help aid the chicks to hatch. This allows them to not stick to the egg while they are trying to hatch. Otherwise they will get stuck in the shell and not pip.. This is a great read on hatching: go to page 3. Read the top section.. This is the most valuable information i have read since becoming a member of this site..

However despite everything, u have what counts.. RESULTS. Good job Shelly!!
Thanks Nate.. I have looked at that thread and have gained alot of information... my challenge was that I started eggs without a hygrometer.. and followed instructions in the manual.. then decided to bid on some eggs .. and read more threads about how to have eggs with different hatching dates in the incubator at the same time. I have room for 42 eggs and right now - 11 of them are the group hatching. These are my own eggs and I am learning. Will I change some things next time.. yes.. but for right now.. I am enjoying the show.

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