Anyone due around Dec 5th?

I have eggs due Dec 8th. I'm probably going to start collecting some of mine for hatching soon too. That way I'll have a bigger group to brood together. (HOPEFULLY)
Wow you know I never knew there were sooo many breeds of chickens.

My girl is looking good. Even though it got pretty cool here.

I want to candle soooooo bad. I'll wait till it warms up though.... maybe.....
We've got a broody with some seramas due around Nov. 30th and some welsummers due around Dec. 2nd. I'm with you, Kaylakala on waiting till it warms up to candle, but I'm impatient as well! We have a good coop for hot summer days but I'm a little worried it's too drafty for winter. Not that it gets that cool, but it sure feels cool to us, so I worry about my broody out there. Anyone else have a broody out in the cold?
Yep Dec 5th is the day, 12 pekin ducks and 12 White chinese/Pilgrim cross geese. I cannot wait. candled the other day and all are viable! wiggling squiggling to be fluffy butts
I have a broody on day 6-ish with 7 eggs out in the cold. The part of the barn where she is got so cold last night it froze the bunnies water bottles almost solid last night!
I also have a hen with 1 week old chick. That poor baby cries all the time!
I candled last night. 6-7 of my 19 look infertile, the rest with veining and movement in several!! Couldn't tell much with my darkest marans. I didn't throw any out yet. Will wait till day 14 to make any decisions. My broody with her 7 eggs is doing good. Cold front came in this am but she is pretty sheltered in her coop.
I've got some ee's due on the 7th but mine usualy come early. Just a little advise for everyone worried about the cold. I used to be the same way but one year it was 17 degrees out and one of my game hens was hatching and she did fine. If you are still worried go and stick your hand under a broody, man its warn under there.

Good luck everyone!!!

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