Anyone else do this? Sprouts in the run.


10 Years
Apr 15, 2011
Until my Dorkings make more of themselves, they are being kept in a run. The run attaches to a coop with sand floors. Every night, they get an insect or fish/shellfish treat in their coop which they always gobble completely up. I used to put seeds in their coop too, but they made a mess and the ground started being more nasty old seeds than sand. So now, they only get their seeds outside. Every day, they get scraps plus a scoop of a safflower/BOSS/whole oat/finch seed mix/etc tossed into the run. What they don't eat eventually sprouts, and there is now a plush carpet of oat grass, sunflower sprouts, etc, that they then keep mown into a little chicken lawn. Less food goes to waste, their run is green instead of bare, more bugs are attracted for them to eat, they do all the tilling and reseeding work, and their coop stays fresh and clean. Very happy with the new arrangement!
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