Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

In the bator set to hatch on the 20th, I have Salmon Faverolles, Bared Rock - White EE mixes, and Cuckoo Maran

The one that I am setting tonight I will have Old English Game Battam Black Breasted Reds, Millie Fluer D'Uccle, Barred Rock - White EE mixes, and Cuckoo Marans

Ohh that sounds neat

I have a friend who owns a cuckoo Maran. Apparently it is the only broody one of the bunch. Though they don't have a rooster, so it doesn't come in handy for them at all.

We have 10 Cuckoo Hens and 1 Rooster.
I would have about a dozen salmon Faverolle eggs to set tonight but I let them go in the crazy egg train.
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Ohh that sounds neat

I have a friend who owns a cuckoo Maran. Apparently it is the only broody one of the bunch. Though they don't have a rooster, so it doesn't come in handy for them at all.

We have 10 Cuckoo Hens and 1 Rooster.
I would have about a dozen salmon Faverolle eggs to set tonight but I let them go in the crazy egg train.

Is there any breed you like to do most out of all others?
Okay so I was candling some eggs today and I decided to post these two pics up. i want to know what the experienced eye sees. It is the same egg. It is just I took the first one with my camera, and the second one with my phone (phone one turned out better I think.
I have a few eggs that look like this one the inside now, and some I just can't tell because they are too darn dark.
The eggs age in days would be three.
But if you want to take it into hours(meaning more accurately), they have just now starting an hour ago officially began their third day.
So please tell me what you think

Fertile or infertile?


Oh yeah, I would have tried to take better pictures, but I have a two minute rule with eggs being out of the incubator.
Because I am scared of accidentally killing one, and my body has poor circulation, so i naturally have extremely cold hands.
(though before I even touch the eggs I warm up my hands in a warm cloth, or rinse them in hot water for a couple of minutes so they can stay warm enough for the time I am handling the eggs.)
We have 10 Cuckoo Hens and 1 Rooster.
I would have about a dozen salmon Faverolle eggs to set tonight but I let them go in the crazy egg train.

Is there any breed you like to do most out of all others?

I would have to say, Barred Rocks are my most favorite out of all chickens.
I have 30 eggs hatching on the 23rd. I plan to candle on wed or thurs. I really hope they are all making progress.

I would really love to get my hands on duck eggs. I may just give in and order them from a catalog. I can't keep them once they hatch because I do this at school and I don't have a place for them. I just love the process of incubating and hatching.
Those pics just look like the yolks. Candle from the air sac down. You should see some veins starting to grow near the air sac if the egg is developing. I'll see if I can take some pics for u later.
I have 36 due on the 23rd.

24 EE
8 Yokohama
2 Rhode Island Red
2 Dark Brahma over Barred Cochin

I got them from 2 local breeders that are both BYC members.

I will candle them on day 8 or 10

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