Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

I am not truly judging my eggs until Wednesday, but I have seen like two that I could tell if they were fertile. Not touching my eggs again until tomorrow though. I have to learn some self control

But I have some pics of my candling yesterday posted.
Day 5 of the Captn's log: I said I wouldn't candle until day 8. I told myself I would NOT candle until day 8.

I caved due to the excitement of my new led flashlight.

I have development

They no longer look like the clear eggs I placed in there

Now the waiting just got a hell of a lot harder
My candling didn't go very well...I dont' think Ilm going to get many chicks if I get any at all. BAtor's running low and I can't seem to get the temp up and stay up.
As I said previously, my chicks are also due to hatch on the 23rd. So today is day 8 for me. I candled my 16 eggs and found 13 that for sure were developing. One I am pretty sure that is not developing. One that I think is, but not enough to give it the go ahead. And finally an OE that is too dark to see through.

I was just amazed by the movement of the chicks swimming around in there! Wow! I had no idea the would be that active.

These eggs are my test eggs (mutts) to make sure I know what I am doing before my Delaware eggs arive. So far so good!!!!!
I've got chicks scheduled to hatch on the 21st, 26th, and 30th of march. Breeds include bantam black cochin, bantam cochin projects, lemon blue bantam cochins, partridge silkie, bbs silkie, lf buff polish, empordanesa, silver spangled hamburg bantams, silver phoenix bantams, lf games, project oegb, welsummer, cuckoo marans, dark brahma, light/split sussex, LF silver phoenix, silver duckwing yokos, and barred rocks. I also have duck eggs sheduled for the 28th, 2nd, and 6th. they will likely be mixed for a little while because i was a tad late about getting the cayugas, magpies, and khaki campbells seperated for breeding. oops
anyway candleing was done tonight and revealed lots and lots of developement but a few clears too. lots of first time hens and roos this go round. They might not quite have the hang of it yet.
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