Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

Aww thats gotta be so cool. I wish I was home with mine.

When do you get to see them again?
And awww! Its trying so hard now!
And uh oh... it is now pecking at my thermometer.
Well I can stay up until midnight and go home but I normally sleep at work until my shift at 8am. Its a hard decision right now because I know if I go home I am going to be up all night and not want to leave them in the morning. It was hard enough leaving that little peeper tonight after refilling all the waters.
Ahh i see, it was hard for me to leave the house today with my little hatched one playing soccer.
But i had to go buy that new incubator before anyone else saw it.
It is used but it is working much better than the current one. Which is great.
Though I will put it to the real test here in a week or so.
Awww, When were you due again?
And my little beckham is too cute. Such interesting colors too. Like many different shades of brown, and tan. I think the only yellow is on its face.
And how do you dye a chick that has already hacked?
Or what can I mark them with that won't easily come off.
I need a way to distinguish them all from eachother.
Day 21 is today - hoping that they're just a bit late, but I'm starting to doubt it....

Congrats on your ball player!!

I mark mine with little rubber bands and you can use zip ties as they get a bit bigger

The ones I got from the hatchery had a purple bingo ink dot on their heads - I guess you could also do that with a little food dye?
Don't worry

I am actually on day 23 now, and I am just now starting to get some chicks hatching.
Might just have some late bloomers. I mean on day 21 they were completely still, once it was offically day 22 though they were all peeping and wiggling.
And thanks

I might look into the bingo dots, need to find out whee i can buy them, or where they sell the actual liquid food coloring.
Thanks - I hope so...

You can find food coloring at any grocery store.

The bingo dots are like a bottle of ink w/ a sponge on the end - the Bingo players use this, rather than the red chips these days.

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