Anyone Else Have a Broody Hen in the Middle of Winter?

I had one to go broody. I tried to let her hatch out some, but it didn't work out. I'm not sure why. Meanwhile I just traded her and a few others currently layers for another billy. And lo and behold, my polish start laying!!!! WOW! So Now I get two tinky tiny little white eggs every day.
My banty momma has gone broody.. Im thrilled. I enjoy doing the work myself, but its good to have a co worker here on the farm.
I noticed she was broody a few days ago and yesterday i checked to see what was under there.. 4 eggs and covered with the ramains of another. I tell ya the mess looked like boiled egg yolk. not totally cooked. just thick.
I gave her the days eggs, about 12 and a clean nest. She is so happy there and this is what she was born to do, so we are both happy nesters.
Our economy in the mess its in Ive decided I can house a few more chickens.
Yup. First it was one of my banties. She gave up after a couple of weeks. Then one of my more maternal Buff Orpingtons. Every day I take her eggs. Every day she sets there. Determined. It was 10 below 0 a couple of days ago. She's still sitting there. I figure it's up to her. It's probably nice and cozy in that nest. (The temp. in the coop rarely goes below freezing because of a light bulb that keeps it pretty warm.) So....some hens are going to set no matter what you do.
What do you bet she won't be broody this spring when I'm hoping for some chicks!?
I had a hen hatch chicks in November out of 11 eggs only 1 hatched.

I have a broody now she was on 7 eggs and out of the 7 only 2 show any signs of anything. I had a nice person from BYC offer me some testers to help my hen out. I will soon recieve in the mail and place under her so my fingers are crossed all goes well....
I got 4 hens with peeps and Im getting ready set eggs under 2 more hens, nothing beats a good ol hen hatching your eggs for ya. ...
I have two sebrights hens trying to set, silver and one golden. I am not ready for chicks to fight the cold weather and have taken the eggs each day. I hope they are this:D anxious in the spring.
I have a white silkie who got broody on me in the beginning of November and I Take the eggs out from underneath her, At Thanksgiving my black silkie has gone broody and everyday I have to remove the eggs. Maybe in a month to a month in a half I will let them be broody. I have 24 chickens Should I remove the hens if I let them go broody and have them raise the babies on their own. Does anyone else have roosters that sit on the nests, my splash and BLRW roosters I find in the nests box as if they are sitting like a hen. It is comical to see.
I have been playing musical broodies all winter. My Millies and Silkies are having issues...

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