Anyone else have a crowing hen?


10 Years
May 15, 2013
UpNorth ☀️
I have an Australorp hen who crows (or tries to crow) every morning. It humors me. :D She has definitely taken on the role of a rooster. Last year, when I had a fox attack, she was the one trying to protect the flock. Yes, she received a few bites to her behind, but I got her healed up in no time. And she was back laying eggs even faster.

I was just wondering if anyone else has crowing hens and any stories to share... I read that crowing hens don't keep on with laying eggs and will become aggressive to the other chickens, etc. But I've not had any of these issues. She's my best egg layer and actually more docile than the other chicken's personalities. The only difference between her and them is she's the bigger hen. 🙃
There is a phenomenon called Spontaneous sex change where an old hen develops cock behavior. I have a 9 year old brown leghorn hen that only lays eggs in the spring. Her comb turns bright red and she crows in the morning for a week or so but then she starts to lay eggs for about a month. This year she has laid 4 eggs.
Our head hen would attempt to crow off and on over the years, it is a truly horrible noise 😆

She definitely took on the title of rooster in the flock and actually quit laying for like 2 years just so she could commit to that role full time 🙄

Then one day last year, she started laying again out of the blue.

Now she is in a weird permanent molt mode. I doubt she will ever lay again, however, she is still in charge.
I have an Australorp hen who crows (or tries to crow) every morning. It humors me. :D She has definitely taken on the role of a rooster. Last year, when I had a fox attack, she was the one trying to protect the flock. Yes, she received a few bites to her behind, but I got her healed up in no time. And she was back laying eggs even faster.

I was just wondering if anyone else has crowing hens and any stories to share... I read that crowing hens don't keep on with laying eggs and will become aggressive to the other chickens, etc. But I've not had any of these issues. She's my best egg layer and actually more docile than the other chicken's personalities. The only difference between her and them is she's the bigger hen. 🙃
It's surprisingly common and it is not restricted to hen only groups.
Hens also grow spurs, belch, fart, snore and most manage to lay eggs. From what I've seen it has nothing to do with an attempt to change sex or even gender roles. Some just do.
I haven't had one, but my daughter's mother-in-law did and I've seen her in action.

She was reportedly the best layer in the flock and had quite a decent-sounding crow as well -- a real overachiever.
A hen called Nolia had a crowing spell. She lived with three males, I used to imagine some mornings when the boys would start calling to the other tribes when Nolia kicked off the startled faces of the boys. She had a good loud crow when she went for it.:lol: It went on for a few days then just stopped.:confused:
I have a very dainty BA named Thelma who just turned 3 and during her last molt I caught her attempting to crow in the morning. Last week I saw her rooster dancing for Louise. She still lays eggs. I have a JG in the same coop who I thought was a roo when she was young, she has a big comb and wattles. I've never heard her try to crow, but she flogs me, bites me, puffs up and does the aggressive side stance and gives me the mean eye. But, Jersey is also the one that after I avoid her beak and feet (it's not always, it's hit and misses to what days she's aggressive) I can pick her up and pet her.

I have 1 rooster in a separate flock to them.
I was just going to ask this question, but I'm seeing it's not uncommon. I purposely don't have a rooster because of the crowing. But last month my top hen started making awful noises first thing in the morning. I'd jump up and run outside thinking she was in peril. We, do, have roosters living nearby in almost every direction. I'm guessing she wanted to give it a try too. Her crow is more of a... bock...bock..bock..BEGOOOOCK! 🗯🐔
Even the neighbors have come to check on her. 🤷‍♀️

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