Anyone else have Hens stop laying or very sporatic laying lately?????

My hens are very sporadic layers, I have eight hens hatched out in may and right now only 3 are laying they have had a rough time though. About 1 1/2 months ago I rescued a chicken who unbeknownst to me had ILT so my flock got it. I lost a few but besides the occasional cough here and there they are all better. I'll be keeping a closed flock until my little plague birds die naturally but the vet said they would be like normal chickens. Could it be that the sickness is still lingering and that's why I'm not seeing eggs consistently, could it be because the weather is changing? I scoop their sand best I can and change the hay in the boxes, I water them often and provide oystershell on the side. They get scraps and laying/game bird mix with song bird seed thrown in, plus they free range. Why oh why won't my little girls lay?
My 5 have stopped laying all summer, except for an occasional egg or two. Mostly, the weather hasn't been extreme either. A couple of days we got non, most day 1-2 and once or twice 3. Not sure what's going on. I have had to start buying store eggs.

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