Anyone else have this happen?


10 Years
May 2, 2009
Hello Peeple! Last night my wife and I had a "ceremonial dinner appetizer" Our first egg laid the 16th. She's given up two more since. Here's the deal. My wife carefully cracked the shell, (very strong shell) and dropped in into a fry pan. There were 3 (three)deep golden yellow little yolks in that little egg! Yolk to white was 3/1. One broke, but the other two had definate sacs around them. "course stupid me, no pictures, and gluttony set in and that was that. We did a piece of toast, and split the egg. IT WAS DELICIOUS!. Knowing that a chick has like 400 ovums when it's born, it would seem to me this might be somewhat normal?,,,,,,,,,until she gets her timing right and she's like 30 weeks old? (21 weeks right now, near as we can tell.) Wanting to pass one, but so "crowded" in there 3 squeeze by???
Hi there, we have been getting eggs from our little flock of now 6 for about two months. we've recieved some eggs that were xx large elongated and had two yolks, we've also had darn near goose egg size eggs with one yolk. our hens are semi-new to laying so we just figured they'll straighten out with maturity.

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