anyone else living in the northeast sick of all this rain?

Isn't there an Anti-Rain dance? Over 10'' of rain in June, usually it's less than 4. And July doesn't look any better. I think we're going to buy a rowboat instead of a hot tub for the backyard!

I'm going to bed here folks, just thought I'd share some more wet weather forecast with you all east of me. DH drove down to NC today in "monsoon" rain - his word not mine. It's heading up through VA as we speak.

Outside my house it is lightning, thunder and beginning to rain - AGAIN.

Gonna be a sucky day at the farm if this keeps up through to the morning. Oh and the gnats and flies are RIDICULOUS!!!!
Ok, I am just sick of this now. Can't get any work done. I have a list of people who want video of one of my horses, but it just keeps raining. I guess I am going to have to rent an indoor just to make a video.
My chickens are a mess.
My garden is weed infested, why do they grow so well when the veggies don't?
I don't own a dry pair of boots or shoes anymore!
My hay fields have gone by now, all starting to go to seed and brown, can't even get on them to cut and bail. UHG!
Ok, I may as well join in,,,RAIN!!!!
for us here in Upstate NY we are suppose to get rain right up until next week wednesday.
Gardens are loving it...

I still weed. with an unbrella over me and I'm on my knees.... plastic knee pad. with rubber gloves.

As far as our chickens go they have roofs over part of their out door run.. but we put straw on the run floor/ground. ;)It keeps their feet kinda clean but it allows the worms,snales,slugs and bugs to gather. they love it.

the ducks are loving it cause the gutter off the small barn we have set to fill their pool with the down spout.

The turkeys don't mind they sit in their sun room and watch all of the rain...

And the pigs....... well they are deep in mud and loving it.

Until it rains hard then they are inside under piles of straw...

I kind of like the rain since we live in an area that water is short when it gets hot........ but I do like a break.

I need just acouple of days to get more strawberries in and not my mulberry bush is getting ripe....

now will be canning pie filling and making jam ... this just starts the canning season..

stay smiling everyone.......
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i went and picked up free wooden pallets from a local factory and have laid them along one side of my pen for the little ones to sit on and no longer be in the mud. i use a snow shovel to skim off the droppings once a day.
poor things look just pathetic when they hang outside but its soaking wet even with a covered run and a dry coop to go into.
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OK. Enough is enough. I am generally fine with the weather. I live in NH, so if you don't like the weather here wait 5 minutes and it will change.

I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I am growing mushrooms between my toes. All my solar powered electric fences went down yesterday because we haven't had 4 hours of sun in the past week. If I have to have another "movie day" with my 4 y.o. I am going to cut my eyes out of my head. My chickens are soaked to the skin and miserable. I have ducks and geese living in my house because I can't finish their house until it stops raining for a few hours. I yelled at my husband, my daughter and my dogs so far this morning. It's shaping up to be a great day.

And if I have to chase down my pigs because they break out of their yards because their fences are down, I will go ballistic! You all will be reading about the crazy woman in NH that snapped and started taking clouds hostage.

It is POURING!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!! I am going to scream! We also had a HUGE lightening strike somewhere nearby! I ran out to the coop to check on my babies (seven 2 month old chicks) They were all huddled together; scared the poop out of them! The ground is getting muddy in their run:(

I don't usually let my kids watch much tv (they are on a tv allowance: get 4 tokens per week that they can trade in for 1/2 hour shows) but all bets are off! They are done crafting (and making a mess) we are out of hot glue sticks, and only one can read to himself for long stretches of time.

I think it is time to drown our sorrows (no pun intended) in a nice batch of chocolate chip cookies. Hey kids......
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