Anyone Else Really Unimpressed With Their Leghorns?


12 Years
Jul 16, 2007
Long Island NY
I have 7 leghorns that I am really unimpressed with. I am getting 1 to 2 eggs from them a day. You hear all the hype about how great and efficient they are at laying yet to me they are underwhelming. Anyone else have lazy leghorns?
How old are they, and what are you feeding them. Mine have generally averaged 5 or 6 eggs per week through their second year.
I'm new to the chicken thing but...

I bought 8 chickens at the same time. 2 white leghorns and 2 RSLs that were supposedly days old, also 2 BSLS and 2 of an indeterminate breed that were 1 week old.

One of my leghorns was the first to lay, at 14 weeks old. Oddly enough, one of each of the other breeds were the next to lay. At this point I have 5 hens laying. 1 leghorn, 1 BSL, 1 RSL, and both of the unknowns.

I don't know if it's impressive or not but one of my leghorns started laying early and often. Since she started laying at 14 weeks she's only takes 2 days off.
How old are they, and what are you feeding them. Mine have generally averaged 5 or 6 eggs per week through their second year.
They are just over a year old and should be in prime laying age. They get layer pellets just my rhode island reds are laying like champs the leghorns are a waste of feed if you ask me.

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