Anyone else setting eggs?

I guess I am like many out there, swore I was done for the year and when I went to pick up some show silkies that lady had English/American Orpington (they were huge!) and lavender orp bantams. I walked away with 2 lavender eggs and 6 Black possibly lavender amer/eng orps. I am so excited, these are by far the best eggs I have tried to hatch so fingers crossed! I set them Thursday night (the 20th). Here we go!!!
When my palm turkeys started laying eggs about a month ago... I got really excited thinking nows the time to incubate them, as the springtime didn't work at all. They didn't really lay much, but the few that they did... both girls decided to incubate them. I SWORE at this time of year, I wasn't going to get the bator out... and I haven't. But.. the girls are both laying on about 15 eggs. The last time they did that the 3 that hatched didn't survive. They either got stepped on.. or hatched out and died. (When I would try and interfere to look, I got beat up, so I only checked once a day). This time, I thought I would let them go ahead.. hatch whatever.. and get them and set them up in the brooder box. See if I can do this successfully. I thought about taking the eggs, and firing up the bator to hatch them at lockdown.... but the area around (and probably in) the nest is so dirty from their crap I figure... that that idea would be NOT good. So, they are on their own. COLD right now here in Southern Ontario Canada. If I get poults.. it will be a challenge to get them to survive. Trouble with leaving them in with the girls (and the Tom), is that 2 guinea's roost in there, as well as 4 various free roaming hens and a roo... who slip thru the gate to eat and drink. A little poult would be supper for them. Today is day 23 since they started to set. Excited.. but not really as well. I just don't know, lol.
When my palm turkeys started laying eggs about a month ago... I got really excited thinking nows the time to incubate them, as the springtime didn't work at all. They didn't really lay much, but the few that they did... both girls decided to incubate them. I SWORE at this time of year, I wasn't going to get the bator out... and I haven't. But.. the girls are both laying on about 15 eggs. The last time they did that the 3 that hatched didn't survive. They either got stepped on.. or hatched out and died. (When I would try and interfere to look, I got beat up, so I only checked once a day). This time, I thought I would let them go ahead.. hatch whatever.. and get them and set them up in the brooder box. See if I can do this successfully. I thought about taking the eggs, and firing up the bator to hatch them at lockdown.... but the area around (and probably in) the nest is so dirty from their crap I figure... that that idea would be NOT good. So, they are on their own. COLD right now here in Southern Ontario Canada. If I get poults.. it will be a challenge to get them to survive. Trouble with leaving them in with the girls (and the Tom), is that 2 guinea's roost in there, as well as 4 various free roaming hens and a roo... who slip thru the gate to eat and drink. A little poult would be supper for them. Today is day 23 since they started to set. Excited.. but not really as well. I just don't know,
The day they are scheduled to hatch I would just check several times and pull the poults and brood them in the house with it being so cold.
GUess what I got for christmas- AN INCUBATOR! I'm so excited, I calibrated it as fast as I could and I've put in three 'test' eggs, but I have the feeling that I'll have to 'test' lots more eggs in the future- you know, just to be safe ;)
These guys should (hopefully) hatch a few days after the ones under my broody, so I can go and pop them under her when they're out :)
Everyone have a great christmas?
Well the eggs under the silkie seem to be going strong- I got excited earlier today, because I had miscounted and thought they were due to hatch tommorow! Jumped the gun on that, whoops xD
Of the eggs in the incubator, 2 of 3 were going last I checked. The third one had a hairline crack in the shell that was noticeable when candling, so I'm not surprised about that!
Can't wait until they all hatch :D
Well, I'm incubating eggs for the FIRST TIME today! Im so nervous! 7 Silkie eggs and 12 Cochin eggs. I made the incubator myself, Im turning them by hand, X's and O's are on everybody.....WISH ME LUCK! :) I will candle them in about 5 days.....what should my expectations be? (I don't have high ones, because it's my first time) Any tips??

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