Anyone else starting eggs tonight? Hatch date 8-24

I'm setting my eggs tonight to test fertility and then they all go to their new home when they hatch
Silkies, I can't wait to see their little fluffy butts! I am hoping for some buffs from this set.

I am supposed to have some other eggs coming showgirl x mottled cochin (fun!), more silkies, and another set of silkies.... But alas I haven't heard anything on those 3 sets maybe they'll come this week.

I have the octo eco, I do wish there was an easier way to tell how much water was in the trays. And an easier way to get the water into the trays. Luckily the area above the trays was empty this time, but I can foresee a problem if the whole thing was full.
I set 7 BC marans eggs last night! They will be due late the 23rd / early the 24th. I was about to post a topic similar to this one when I saw that you'd beat me to it!

Mine are in a homemade wooden 'bator that hasn't been used in 8 years. I re-wired it last week and put in new bulbs... and checked its consistency over a period of several days. It's working well, and I'm excited for this hatch! I will be doing candlings at seven days... you?
Good luck with your too! How often should you candle? I have seen different info about it.

insiderart....I love silkies, they are just soooooo cute. I hope to hatch some of those one day too!

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