Anyone else starting eggs tonight? Hatch date 8-24

Just saw this thread and thought I'd chime in.
I set 15 of my own eggs late yesterday evening, so I should be hatching around the 24th too. Six of the eggs belong to my one EE. They are some of her first eggs, but are of a good size and I saw my NHR roo mate with her so there's a good possibility they are fertile. I'm pretty sure I've got at least one, maybe two of my JG's eggs in there and my blue Cochin roo likes her A LOT, so I'm hoping for a Giant Cochin or two.
Other than those, it's anybody's guess what the rest of the chicks might look like and that's part of the fun of it for me.

I'm an obsessive candler, so I'll post updates as things progress. Hope everyone else does the same.
How often do you have to add water to your bator?

I add water a couple times a week. I have my temp/hygro remote in there still. When I notice the humidity dropping a couple of percentage points I add water.

I usually candle on day 7 and day 14. On day 7 I am looking for veining and making sure there aren't any stinkers. On day 14 I'm looking for clears, blood rings, stinkers, anything that didn't progress, out it goes. You can't see a whole lot past day 14 the egg is so full.

Thanks for the info.....

Now answer this....why do I look at the eggs every time I walk by as if something was going to happen? I can tell this is going to be a LONG 21 days LOL
LOL. I have to leave on Friday and won't be back until Sunday night. My sister is coming over to turn the eggs "at least three times a day". Since I don't have an automatic turner.

Definitely gonna be a LONG 19 more days for me.
I put some under my broody hen on Saturday. They're due on the 22nd. Be darned if I know what they'll turn out to be though. I have 15 roosters in the coop (one by one they're going in the freezer) I set two white eggs, three browns and 4 green bantie eggs. I can't wait to see what hatches.
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Journeys End: If you set on Saturday, wouldn't they be due the 22nd? Also, how do your chickens do while setting on banty eggs? Do they not crush the wee eggs?
My mistake. It is the 22nd. Morning brain. I've never had a hatch from a hen setting but the last batch she sat on (that mysteriously vanished at day 18) had bantie eggs and they were fine. She's a bantie though so that may be why. I find bantie eggs to have a tougher shell. They rarely break on me.
Oh ok. I assumed you had a bigger hen setting on banty eggs.

I just bought a broody banty and tried to get her to set on three of my marans eggs but the change in scenery and relocation must have broken her out of her broodiness. I just hope she learns to like the rooster so I can get some fertile eggs from her! She's two years old and has never seen a rooster before mine, and she doesn't much care for him!!!

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