Anyone else struggling with Infertility?


13 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Statham, GA
It is so hard for me to read these threads about pregnancies. We have been trying for over 9 cycles now. If we had got pregnant the first month trying I would be due soon.

I also struggle with finding a doctor that will take my problem seriously. I have been charting my cycles for 3 years now and know exactly when we should be doing the deed. And since I'm over 30, I should see an reproductive endocrinologist. But drs don't take charting seriously.
They say I need to wait a year but have appeased me with blood work. Forget the fact the blood work shows I have a problem they don't want to pay attention to that. So this is my 2nd cycle of self medicating with soy.

The next dr I go to I'm lying. I'll say it has been over a year. Getting and appointment with an RE takes months and you need a referral. It is so frustrating.
You have my heart on this ... I went through it for two years, my oldest is now 16 but it was hell. At the time I was working in a social services agency housed in a shelter for women and children - I loved them, but it truly rubbed salt in the wounds. I couldn't understand why some have 5 kids (by five different men!) and here I was, married with a job and a house ... not judging, but it shook my faith in just exactly WHO was passing out all those babies! The whole Susan Smith thing had hit the news (she was the one who pushed her car into the lake with her two young sons in it) and I was just numb with the horror of it all. May I suggest you stop watching/listening to the news while you are taking care of this??? And don't listen to family members who go on and on about how EASY it was for THEM (on the first time! yippee ...). People who haven't gone through infertility don't realize that every month you DON'T get pregnant, it is like a slap in the face. It goes from being fun (we're trying!) to being funny (yup, not doing it right I guess gotta keep practicing!) to being not any fun at all. When all you want is a baby, every diaper commercial on TV is a reason to cry and I just wanted to walk up to every pregnant woman I met and say "How did you DO that???" There isn't anyone on this plant I dislike enough to wish infertility on.

After all the testing (have they run dye through your fillopian tubes to make sure they are not blocked? this test is done in the hospital, you can watch on a monitor it looks like milk running through two crazy straws!) anyway after all that - oh, they should test your husband/partner first to make sure his counts/mobility are good - I got pregnant on my second course of Clomid while using suppositories to build up my uterus. Clomid is a funny drug, it was originally tested as a birth control (it has this effect in laboratory rats) but in humans it has the opposite effect - causes the production of stronger, healthier eggs with a slight increase of twinning.

PM me if you like, we can talk details - I hope what I wrote isn't too graphic for this family friendly site and apologize if it is. Just know that 95% of the time, you CAN conceive with medical help ... the 5% who cannot includes women without ovaries or men not, uh, producing. So have hope!

I'll keep you in my prayers, this is such a hard thing. Of course, back when it started for me all my friends - and I mean ALL of them - were just popping out babies and working on adding to their families while I was just trying to have one. And hey, I do have four ... it WILL happen and it does get easier!

January will be 2 years. And I got the latest "no" yesterday, a week late. Had been hopeful.

I was diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year.

Had a miscarriage in 2008.

Insurance pays for nothing.

Adoption is too expensive right now.

And fostering would just rip my heart out over and over at this point.

I would never wish infertility on anyone. Unless you (or your partner) has been there, you have no idea how truly soul destroying it is.
I am going through this also. My next step is Donor eggs..which i cant afford..

So..i dont think i'll ever get to be a mother. I'm already 36 yrs old.

MY next RE appt. is Dec. 8th..i'll know more then.

PM me if you ever want to talk..also..heres a link to my youtube page...
i discovered these wonderful ladies going through all what we are with infertility and they formed a great support group for each other.
I found making the videos (even though they suck..and i'm ugly..) made me feel better... Even watching their videos helped me..i didnt feel so alone. And i learned ALOT by watching them...

Ya gotta watch them in order or they dont make sense....(TTC #1...etc...)

edited to remove link..(i hate the way i look in them..
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There is alot of PCOS info on these womens youtube videos..alot of people have overcome it....maybe if you watch some of their videos and learn what worked for can suggest different things to your doc to help you. Good luck!

Also..are you on any meds for the PCOS? Metformin?
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If you are trying to get pregnant for 1 year with no success , you are legally considered infertile in the medical field. You should be able to get a doc to see you. ALSO..if your over 35...its trying for 6 months...(not sure how old you are?)
I tried this stuff called Fertileaide... Let me tell you, it worked! (of course i didnt get pregnant...because my eggs are crud) but....this Fertilaide DID make my period come regular....I also know several women on youtuve that gotten pregnant taking it. I really believe the stuff works..
I can send you a link to the site that i bought it from if you'd like.
BUT..if you are going to a doctor...i would not take any herbal meds until you get in there and get checked out. Good luck!
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I hate that y'all are going through it too. But it feels good not to be alone. I don't talk about it, ever, because I am tired of getting the same ignorant responses.

Adoption is expensive, but there are grants available, you just have to dig for them. Some churches offer them and there are some pro-life groups that assist with adoption fees. I don't have any links or anything - I've just been doing the preliminary research - that's our next step, after six years of trying.

Hopefully this month we will all get a great Christmas gift!
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You may also want to take a hard look at your diet. When I was pregnant, there was a lady in my prenatal yoga class who had fertility problems. She removed all refined sugars from her diet and got pregnant. Another friend of mine who tried and tried ended up finding that she had a benign tumor that blocked the sperm from getting to her eggs. Once the doctors removed it, she got pregnant. Your doctors should take you seriously. Good luck, hopefully it will all work out for you.
Quote: plays a BIG part in it for PCOS women..i have heard of PCOS women getting pregnant after doing the atkins diet..
because in the atkins diet they cut out carbs and sugar...which is the PCOS problem..

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