Anyone else suffer from migraines?

I have had silent migraines for 4 years. I have ALL the migraine symptoms, just not the pain. I take the anti seizure meds too, just not the Imitrex, because of a brain surgery that I had.
I get 'em, too. I haven't had a barfing migraine since I gave birth 4 years ago, thankfully, but I still get all the other stuff. Due to some other issues, I can't take the meds anymore, so mercifully I only get them a couple times a month, but on the other hand, each one can recur for days...Sigh. You guys know what it's like.

Hang in there, and good luck with your boss. With any luck he/she gets them too, and will understand.

I was just about to make a thread just like this!!
I have had migraines since my junior year of high school so 7 or 8 years. like some of you I get the auras like seeing spots and my eyes seem out of focus, then the intense pain and nausea, vomiting, "dumbness" (not being able to think of words and not making complete sentences) and occasionally really scary numbness that starts at my finger tips or nose and works its way through one side of my body... and much later followed by what I call a migraine "hangover" that you always have even if the meds did work. (I've noticed one trigger of mine is too bright or unnatural or weird lighting)
In the past I've tried alot of things currently I take 3 ibuprofen and 1 or 2 Tylenol but only when I get the auras it does okay but I also drink as much water or gator-aid as I can and I've cut the migraines down almost in half!!!
today I was researching this a little and found:
  • 50 million people in the US get migraines
  • 70% of these are women
Ahhhh!!!! but I also found that there is another way to help rid yourself of migraines that doesn't include prescription drugs!! Taking vitamin B and B12, and they did name some others!!!
I'm going to start trying this vitamin approach, who's with me!?!? Lets spread the word on a natural way and try to help these poor souls!!

this is one of the web sites I read but there are lots of others, lets do our homework!
When I have a migrane or feel one coming on I put 2 or 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water and drink it. The headache usually goes away in like 5 minutes or at least eases up greatly. I must admit, I don't get many migranes but I heard about this and HAD to try it. I couldn't believe it the first time I tried it. I had woke up in the middle of the night feeling AWFUL! I was even hallucinating because of the pain being so bad. So I tried the apple cider vinegar and was amazed! I felt 75% better in 5 minutes flat. I was able to go back to bed and felt fine when I got up for work in a couple of hours.
Been finding out pure Pepsi (not diet or ONE), an aspirin or two and cold cloth over eyes in a dark room helps out. I get them more frequently since I am entering menopause.
I get both migraines and tension headaches. The tension headaches are easier to handle than the migraines. If I do not medicate right away with a migraine, I will be throwing up but my stomach doesn't handle the medication very well so many times I'm throwing up anyways (but with no head pain). They have definitely gotten worse the older I've gotten and into menopause. I have found that if I am good at drinking plenty of water during the day it does help and eating less processed foods seems to help too.
Hope you are feeling better soon.

I take a couple tylenol and go to sleep--or I did when I was at THAT job. I quit and the migraines disappeared.

Later I had migraines, and the hospital staff gave me a cup of coffee. That nipped it in the bud. THe caffeine opens the vessels.

Otherwise I have little knowledge of migraines other than I try to prevent the onset .
I have suffered with migraines since I was a kid and the closer I get to menopause - they are getting worse and attacking more often. I started getting cluster headaches last year too. There is suppose to be a pattern with clusters but, they don't play by the rules with me. When I get a migraine & a cluster - I understand why they call them suicide headaches. I've tried all the over the counter stuff and all of the pre & post meds previously listed in this thread with no relief. Oxygen helps sometimes but, my insurance won't cover it and I can't afford the $150. rental each month for the tank. My doc says I can just come in and my insurance will cover it in the office but, when i need it - I can't drive in. I drink lots of water and don't eat processed food, I limit pop and caffeine and try to watch and eat a good diet. I take a daily seizure med to try to keep them at bay and I have anti-nausea meds too so, I can try to keep down the really strong scrips I have but, these aren't working anymore. I'm going to try the cider vinegar.

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