Anyone else with a disabled pet?

Got a border collie with epileptsy,1 deaf cat,a second cat with a bladder condition that needs to be dealt with regularly,my oldest dog is deaf and going blind,and i have a chicken that has lost her vision in 1 eye.
I adopted a vision impaired cat named Roscoe.He also isnt much of talker, which leads to him getting shut into closets all the time. Now i check each night before i go to bed, because he always sleeps on a used shirt that myhusband wore and put on the foot end of the bed. I will prob adopt more special needs pets when my husband retires.
I had a kitten with CH. Went to the barn one day to feed and there he was. Couldn't have been 5-6 weeks old. You said drunken sailor...yes, and I named mine Tequila. He couldn't walk well, but when I tried to catch him that little booger sure could run! Led me quite the merry chase, but once I had him he tamed down into a very sweet little fellow. I brought him in to to live with the house cats, when they got a little too active for him, he would just tuck himself out of the way and just watch them. He would pick one to wrestle with and give as good as he got.

We spaced out all his vaccines so he wouldn't have to have them all at once. Then after all that I took him to be neutered at about 6 months old. Two days later he went into Grand Mal seizures and I had to have him euthanised. Many cats (and other animals) have come into my life in the last 3 years, but my heart broke that day and still has not healed.

Aw, that's the perfect name! And yeah, they move surprisingly fast. Ours always 'drifts' around, but when he wants to sneak into the basement, he is down there like fuzzy lightening. ...But then he gets scared when he sees he is in a new place and curls up into a ball and shakes until you bring him upstairs.

We actually adopted him thinking we were more giving him a warm place to die. Little guy, all ribs and too weak to lift his head, still purred when we lifted him out of the cage. He definitely has that sunny personality the CH cats are known for.

I'm so, so sorry to hear that. Seizures pop up in some CH animals, and in some worse than others. Absolutely heartbreaking. Know that you gave your little guy a great life in the time you spent together.​
I've got a 80 pound hound that is deaf and blind. (hurts when he runs into you)
He still howls at sirens and is happy to be living, he's 14 I'm gonna miss that old bugger when he's gone.
We have a 5 1/2 week old crested duck that was just diagnosed with CH the other day. I am finding info on dogs and cats with it but not ducks, although I recently heard of a cow that had it. I ordered some Niacin as I am hoping that might help and if anyone else has any other info or suggestions I am welcome to them. We call the duck; "Fighter" btw :)
Wish I could help, I had a puppy with CH, but ended up putting her down one day shy of 12 weeks.Depending on how bad it is I think a lot of them learn to adapt.
I have a hermit crab that is blind in at least one eye ore maybe he is completely blind. He is a real sweetie. A hermit crab forum led me to byc. If you are reading this, thank you, wodesorrel, for telling me about byc
We have a 19 year old toy poodle that is deaf, blind, and has epilepsy. We also have a two legged chihuahua that was born with only 4 toenails on her 2 back legs she is 9 years old now and was diagnosed with liver disease 3 years ago. Our last special need pet is a cat with feline aids.

This is Aussie Roo hanging out with one of our goats :)
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