Anyone Else with Low Egg Production?


Adolph Otto

May 2, 2022
SE Massachusetts
I have 3 hens, 2 English Orps, and a Minorca. The Minorca was my best layer, averaging 5-6 per week. She started her 1st molt (she's about 15 mos.) about a month ago and stopped laying altogether.
The 2 Orps really aren't great producers, but they were laying up until 2 weeks ago, at which time they started to molt and ceased altogether (they're first molt as well).
The little Minorca seems to be fully feathered now, so I am waiting for her to start up again. But basically, we haven't had a new egg for over 2 weeks now. I want an omelet! :D
Yeah, this year is different for me too. Three 3 year olds, two 2 year olds. Five pullets, one of which should lay ANY day now! But they might all wait until after New Years and the lengthening daylight hours.

One of the 3 year olds laid a few eggs... and stopped again. What's up, ladies!?!
Yeah, this year is different for me too. Three 3 year olds, two 2 year olds. Five pullets, one of which should lay ANY day now! But they might all wait until after New Years and the lengthening daylight hours.

One of the 3 year olds laid a few eggs... and stopped again. What's up, ladies!?!
I feel like a disappointed kid on Easter-every morning!
It's that time of year. I went from getting between 15 - 22 eggs a day, then it gradually decreased to 6 - 12 eggs a day, now I'm getting between 6 - 8 eggs a day.

But I expect it to start rising again, since I've got birds finishing molt, & will have a new layer soon.

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