Anyone else???

thats awesome i would love to see if the double yolker hatches!!
Candled tonight, and it looks great. I stuck in a 13th egg the same afternoon I set the others under my broody, and when I candled tonight only one was clear. YAY there are 12 full eggs on day 15 or 16. Looks like we're in for a good hatch, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Can't wait for next Wednesday!

OMG I am shaking with ebbcitment as i write this, 18 days ago i set 5 eggs as a trial run as i got my first incubator - this is also my first time hatching anything!!! The temps been great and have keept humidity on 50% the whole period then tried to raise it for lockdown (raised it to 58% but i think the hygrometres broken as the glass is fogged up a little)....

And just about 10 mins ago I saw a pip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo happy and scared and everything at the same time!!!! i am shaking as i write this and keep checking the bator every ten seconds - literally!! OMG what is they dont hatch or something?!?!?! what if i muck it all up!?!?!?! wow im sooo worried/ scared/ excited/thrilled all at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I definately will not sleep at all now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GAHHHH i just rang my best friend and sceamed down the phone for like 10 mins
lol lucky shes like me and respnded with a scream.....

Was everyone else this excited on their very first hatch?!?!

I hope its ok as its hatching on day 18.......
Good luck.... I have eggs/babies in every corner of the house!!! It's driving my cat crazy... and my DH.
Good luck Morri... Hope the hatch goes well for you.


I Know the feeling..Month old ducks in the lounge room.. Disabled duck in my bedroom. Chicken in the spare room with the incubator..The hatcher with 7 quail eggs in lockdown beside my bed. 2 pens of Quail on the back verandah 11 ducks in the shed and 4 newbie ducks in their day pen as i havent organised a night pen for them yet....
your houses sounds like my idea of heavan!!!!!

thanks guys
i get atleast 1 baby!!!
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lol i dont know...... it is the smallest of all the eggs so im guessing its atleast part silkie.... it was always the most spastic when i candled them so i guess count spazula haha or i could go with an easter theme seeing it is easter.... oh i nearly forgot HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! did easterbunny come to yall?!?! .... could be a count pipula seeing it was the first to pip....
I do have a quail pipped too!!!!!!!!!!

Great timing... I thought maybe the egg was bad and popped coz it looks weird.. Anyway- i put it inthe hatcher with the others tonight...Since i never candled them..and they are so tiny i cant se if they are rocking inthe bator..i took out that egg... Put it on the top of the bator...and watched it do a really jerky roll..So it is alive and pipped...

Oh...and...come on count can do it little one..
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