Anyone ever buy a flock of 5 just to get the pen?

The Kibble Goddess

14 Years
May 24, 2009
Sylvania, Ga
Am looking at an offer of 1 black Jersey Giant, 2 white frizzle Cochin banty hens, 2 smooth white Cochin banty hens and 1 white frizzle Cochin banty roo PLUS their pen (modified chain link dog run) and equipment for $50. All are 6 months old and have started laying. The owner knows nothing about chickens, not even what breed/gender she has. She says she's never heard the roo crow, thought he was a hen till I pointed out the differences, and I think he would have started crowing at 6 months.

Thing is, while I lust for the pen, and I want the JG, and I would certainly take a non-crowing roo, I don't really like white chickens, or Cochins, or frizzles or bantys. We have black dirt that's called gumbo here and once it's on you, you'll never get the stain out. So of course white feathers always look dirty and feathered feet are always nasty too.

The other thing I don't like is that the chicks were free ranging and we couldn't catch them for me to check them out. The Cochins are moulting so they look really ratty, but I want to make sure I'm not buying lice or mites.

What do you think?
I'd have her pen them up, or catch them at night so you can examine them up close. I'd say it's a steal! And bantam cochins (especially if you sell them as a package deal with the frizzles) are always easy to sell, especially if you have a local 4h group!
Would not even hesitate as any way you look at it it's a great deal
You could also get a load of gravel or pea stone to put under your birds if you decide to keep 'em. You can sell the ones you don't but definately have them locked up before you go so you can get a good look at them to check their health. DOOOO ITTTT!!!!

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