Anyone ever crossed EE's with Silkies?

As per the purebreeds... I really hope my Rhode Island Whites hatch. They came from a breeder that seemed very adamant that they were purebred. With Easter Eggers they never are really "pure", so I am aiming for the ones with the most blue eggs. Those will be the ones that I hatch. I'm sure it's going to be a slow process, but I will be documenting everything.
Well I dont dont think I deserve any thanks, I really just do what I do because I really enjoy the birds. And I didn't feel you were "shoving me out." Trust me, I could have debated all night long, but I didn't want to have the thread go south. Constructive discussion is my point, and when it gets to be a frustration rather than a learning experience I choose to withdraw.

And yes MichiganWoods I am just like your mother. Your going to have to show me the finished product, before I completely understand.
You do realize that Silkie feathers are the same feathers that other birds have. They dont have any special insulation. Its the same feathers, but with a different structure. It doesn't make them any more cold hardy than any other breed of poultry.

You obviously have never kept chickens in a cold climate being from Texas and all!
No I haven't, but there is a common misconception that Silkies are more cold tolerant than other breeds because they are fluffier.

But they dont have any extra feathers or insulation, they've got the same amount of feathers as other birds. But the lack of barbicels is what causes them to appear fluffier and more insulated.
One of the main reasons I chose to get the EE/Silkie mixes is personality.

My 2 EEs are very flighty, although they are the first to arrive for treats, they don't like being held. My pure Silkies are lap chickens, as most are. I was hoping for a fluffier, more personable chicken that laid big blue/green eggs consistently, and that hopefully doesn't go broody as much. Plus the combination of feathered feet, poofy head, feathering and unique color combos are added bonuses.

Mine are not old enough to start laying yet, but they are definitely calmer. Even as chicks, they are not near as flighty as EEs.

I love my EEs and Silkies, but my mixes definitely catch everyones attention more often.
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There is someone in California making a breed they are calling a California Daisy. It is a frizzledd Cochin/Silkie crossed with EE.

You might want to check it out if your curious about that type of cross.

California Daisy

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