Anyone ever have a problem with Roosters knocking feathers off the hen

Blue Ridge Hillbilly

In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 4, 2009
Western NC
I have several hens that are losing a lot of feather off their backs where the tail feather start. Not the tail feathers but on the back nearest the tail feathers. I think that the Roosters may be doing a lot of it or either then hens are picking out their own feathers. They are barred rocks and I am really getting concerned. I have three roosters and 24 pullets. Tomorrow I will have one rooster and 24 pullets. Any comments are really appreciated.
My wheaten hen looks like I have been plucking her feathers in the same place. I have tried to talk to the roo but he dosent care about looks he just wants to do his job at any cost
Saddles might be helpful in this case. You can buy them on most poultry sites or you can make your own. There are patterns available here if you search the archives.

Good luck.
It's 'overmating'. You have a good rooster/hen ration, but sometimes it just happens... The solution is to get some saddles (although it would be pretty expensive for 24 hens) or get rid of one of the roosters.
Duct tape. Run 2-3 stips across the affected area from under wing to under wing. When it falls off, put more on. It's cheap and it works. I hope you were joking about the head chopping.

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