Anyone ever milked a Boer goat?

As a child I grew up on fresh goats milk and cow. Goat was and is my favorite by far. I also prefer goat cheese. Must be the norwegian in me

One of my older sisters once told my mom that she would never drink goats milk, but she would drink the fresh cows milk. She said she would be sick to her stomach if she drank it cause she would definately be able to tell the difference. Needless to say an evil streak got the better of myself and a couple of other sisters so we switched the milk in the fridge and proceeded to have dinner that night. As we sat and watched her drink the milk we didn't say a word. She didn't get sick to her stomach and apparently she couldn't tell the difference. Two weeks later we told her what we had done and no kidding she immediately threw up.
We should have never told her!!!!!!! LOL!
I don't think she has ever drank fresh milk of either kind again. My bad!
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well..i am pretty picky about milk taste..and i finally tried goats milk this summer..and i loved it! was good!..

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