Anyone ever use this incubator?


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
I plan on getting a really nice incubator,its the new genises hova-bator 1588.It has an automatic egg turner,with quail racks(I plain on raising quail)Never used and it is preset,all I have to do is add water and the eggs and im good!I can change the setting on it tho if I have too.Its $160 in all but im prepared to pay that price
.Anyone have expierience with this incubator?
There are all kinds of threads where this incubator is hailed as the best... many hear have it including me. I've hatched tons of quail in mine. It will be fine.

Just do a search on Genesis Hovabator and see how many threads come up...

Just got done hatching 41 chicks from one
they are super easy to use.Agreed it's one of the most liked small bators out there.
Now I have only 60 eggs left to hatch-my Genesis is my hatching bator although I have used it from day 1-21 before.
Got to get more I don't Got to get more eggs...NO I DON'T
Oh by the way you will find out it's too small real quick so then you will buy another and you still won't have enough room.
You are about to be sucked into the Chick addiction
Just got done hatching 41 chicks from one
they are super easy to use.Agreed it's one of the most liked small bators out there.
Now I have only 60 eggs left to hatch-my Genesis is my hatching bator although I have used it from day 1-21 before.
Got to get more I don't Got to get more eggs...NO I DON'T
Oh by the way you will find out it's too small real quick so then you will buy another and you still won't have enough room.
You are about to be sucked into the Chick addiction
Just got done hatching 41 chicks from one
they are super easy to use.Agreed it's one of the most liked small bators out there.
Now I have only 60 eggs left to hatch-my Genesis is my hatching bator although I have used it from day 1-21 before.
Got to get more I don't Got to get more eggs...NO I DON'T
Oh by the way you will find out it's too small real quick so then you will buy another and you still won't have enough room.
You are about to be sucked into the Chick addiction
Thc for reasuring me that its good.I have searched it on google and im amazed at how many there are lol.happy hatching
lol thx,I thought it was a good size,holding 120 quail eggs,but I guess ill get sucked up and incubate as many as I can lol
I meant to use the search function here in this forum to see how many use it.
But I'm sure google came up with a lot too..

I actually have two also ,mainly so I use one as a hatcher and the other for incubating... that way you can do staggered hatches or immediately start another batch incubating when you put the others in the hatcher.. but start out with one

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