Anyone from Colorado?

Drumstyx, did you insulate? We live up in Conifer now, and we're nearing coop completetion. We did a plywood on the outside, insulated, and then put old paneling up. I put vinyl flooring on today, and we're planning on putting pine shavings on the floor. My hubby's running electrical out to the coop soon, so we can have at least a heat lamp out there in the winter. Does that sound like it'll keep our girls warm enough? Where were you in Conifer?

I did not insulate, I was going to at one time but honestly never got around to it and they seemed to do fine especially with the heat lamp. Sounds like yours will be fine for the winter. My biggest problem was keeping the water from freezing. I can now put it in the coop and place it on a heater if needed which has made life much easier. I lived up N. Turkey Creek Road.
We're up on Shadow Mountain, so we get a good amount of snow. I did find a heated waterer at Pine Country Feed, so I'm hoping that does the trick. Did you have any problems with fox or bear?

It is beautiful up there!!! I never had bear problems, although they were around the property, but once the fox figured out where an easy meal was it was a real problem. I did have trouble with hawks as well. I never had any problems with predators when I had my chickens in a run (not covered) next to horses. As soon as I moved them across the road from the horses it was a mess until I covered the run. Good luck with everything. It sounds like you are doing a very good job in anticipating any problems.
Hi Sonja,

Sorry I did not respond sooner. Life got busy. Here are the answers to the questions you asked me. We got the styrofoam insulation at the Home Depot off of C-470 and Quincy. I would think all Home Depots would carry it. I did not take the chicken class but I did know about it. I have been reading here for several months even prior to getting my chickens. I do not have pictures of my coop but maybe can take some in the next week or so. I am not very computer literate so everything I do on it takes me at lease twice as long as it should!!! Good Luck with your chickens!

Thanks Carol, that helps. I actually just ended up getting r-19 fiberglass insulation. Our coop sits on a platform, and hubby sealed every single crack in the coop so I think mice will have a hard time getting in. We still need to build the roosts (the recent rain has slowed progress), but other than that the girls can move in!!


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