Anyone Got A Good Audiobook Suggestion?

American Rose: A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy Rose Lee

I'm looking at this one, but I don't know how smutty it is, not in the mood to listen to smutty
Biography, based on farm life and being love rich and cash poor.... You will laugh until you cry.
Especially like her story of the pet chicken...I cried.


Here in Iowa, we have a Library based website called Wilbor. I download audio books for free and listen while I work. I don't know if other states have something similar.

You can see it here... All you need to use it is a valid Library Card from an Iowa Library.
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The Collapse of Complex Societies by Traintor.

Jihad vs McWorld by Benjamin Barber

The Crisis of Civilization and How to Survive It I can't remember who wrote this I'll look it up.

Or fringer thinking: Rawles' How To Survive the End of the World

I know Traintor and Barber have been done on Audio.......

I take (if your site has them) courses on audio or DVD. I took John McWhorter on language migration and LOVED IT! He was fascinating and his voice is like chocolate.....
Look for his stuff he narrates all of his own.
Funny you mentioned that. Without seeing your post, I decided on "Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne. I figured I have enough books on various religions, I might as well switch up the topic.

Some of these other suggestions look good too though, especially that "A time traveller's guide to medievel england"... sounds right up my alley. I'd still welcome any other suggestions, as I am always keeping a wish list for audiobooks.

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