Anyone got any tips for keeping my hot chickens cool?


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Central FL
It's in the 90s here now with high humidity and my chickens are hot - hot - hot. They're almost 6 weeks old and fully feathered. They have a cool coop for nights and a completely seperate chicken run/tractor for the day (it's all chicken wire on grass).

I've draped some sheets over it to give them a shady area. They have plenty of water, but they pant and pant all day long. I gave them a big slice of watermelon today, which they liked... but I can't give them a huge melon everyday.

Any ideas? The run isn't in an area where I can get electricity, so I can't do the box fan I've read about... I'm just worried because we live in FL and it's only going to get hotter as the months go on. I can tell they're a bit uncomfortable now so I really need some advice on how to keep them more comfortable as the summer heats up.

Thanks all!
I've read that some people put large chunks of ice in their water, which they also like. You can also put maybe biggish containers you've froze water in in their run and I think they like to gather around it. They like the cool breeze coming off of it.

Like I said, that's what I've read in threads similar to this one.
Put electrolytes in their water (Durvet). Maybe freeze water in milk/soda jugs to place around the run or put ice in their water.

Some people hose down the run at night so the evaporation can keep things cooler.

We put plastic patio shades on both sides of our run to block out most of the sun - helps a lot. I also hose down the dirt in the run mid day - I notice the birds like to lay in the damp soil to cool off.

We're in California and have already hit some 100 degree days! It's gonna be a rough summer.
Stupid question of the moment from me... ahem.... I keep reading about this "freeze water in soda bottles and leave them around the run" thing. So.... this is just for the chickens to snuggle up to and keep cool right? We're not talking about leaving open frozen water for them to drink? You're just talking about a cold "thing" for them to lay next to or perch on right?

I think we're going to buy some of that special sun-resistant fabric. The name is escaping me... but it's the kind that cuts down on heat and UV, etc... but man, these girls were panting up a storm today. I just got to wondering what on earth we'll do in July and August around here.
Here in australia in summer it gets really hot and humib. I half freeze plastic drinking bottles and top them up with cold water. Leave them around the place and they will actually go and sit on them if it gets too hot. The bottles are for them to sit on etc not drink.
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Hello from the Dallas, TX area. I would like to know what the chickens can stand as long as they have lots of water. I don't mean to test what everyone tells me though. I would take an unkind heart to let them endure what they can.

One idea I took up from this forum was to build a raised bed outside the run to keep predators from digging under. I put it on the west side and planted corn so it will be tall during the hottest part of summer. I'll keep it waatered and green even after I harvest the corn so the girls will have shade during the hotest part of the day.

I will also be using a mister and a fan for the coop. Hey! I love the egss and it's the least I can do.
It get up to the high 40s C (104f -118F) on average here in summer and have never lost one. I do have large trees they can go under if they want some shade alot of the time they seem not to mind the heat.
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Here in Eastern NC we have high 90's and a few 100 degree days with high humidity. We have plenty of shade and keep water on hand at all times. All our pens are set back into the woods - you can feel the temp difference when you go back into the woods. Last year we didn't loose any due to heat. I know of people in our area that did, but their chickens were out in the sun all day. The shade makes a big difference.

Steve in NC

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