Anyone got any tips on a imprinting?!


In the Brooder
May 20, 2021
I brought 3 ducklings yesterday and they are petrified of me and one of them try nibble me. They are 1-2weeks old peking duckling, anyone have any tips of imprinting.
I’ve hand fed them I’ve sand to them I speak to them and stroke them but nothing as of yet?
If they are already over a week old they won't imprint on you. That doesn't mean they can't become friendly pets, just spend as much time as possible with them and bring them some dried mealworms whenever you go to them.
If they are already over a week old they won't imprint on you. That doesn't mean they can't become friendly pets, just spend as much time as possible with them and bring them some dried mealworms whenever you go to them.

Also avoid doing anything scary. My duck Pigweed didn't imprint on me, even though I have had her since she was a duckling. She's a wonderful pet who comes to me when I call her name.

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