Anyone got quail eggs now?


12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
Post what you have and how many you got! Also price would be good lol.
I have cotournix...usually about dozen a day...bunches in the fridge awaiting a meal! I don't know what I would charge? Shipping is usually what about $10 or so...dozen for like $12 shipped...I figure little batches isn't worth it but I have them and to be perfectly honest I would do it for whatever shipping is plus $2.
at the moment laying I have regular plain type and a few white ones...some folks call them English...small A&M's with colored dots on their head...I have others that should be laying in a couple weeks...well actually doing the math...they should lay next week...I am ordering some more eggs to get more of the Italian speckeled kind and tuxedos...
Hello! I get about 4 button eggs- from a mixed color flock-each day. I have shipped out 2 times for shipping only. Short distance was only about 20.00. MI. was about 25.00 priority mail. So for 12+ eggs button Quail ?? 28.00? Could ship out on monday 1/12/2009.. Susan
Thanks guys.....more offers welcome...just trying to get an idea who has what. Sorry not interested in Button quail. Really looking for Coturnix and mutation bobwhite.
Luv do you have any pics? And I really would like Jumbo browns..but might take some regs.

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